Bewitching Prince Spoils His Wife: Genius Doctor Unscrupulous Consort

Chapter 2117: Refining Pharmacist Competition (1)

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Sitting next to Situ Yan, the Emperor Beibei naturally heard the conversation between Situ Yan and Gu Weixiong, and his heart was secretly surprised.

Gu Weixiong is not clear, but he is very clear that this alchemy furnace belongs to the red makeup itself.

Before, he did not recognize the red makeup of the Dan furnace will be the famous Fengjin Jindan furnace!

Soon, the refining pharmacist contest kicked off.

Liu Yanyue stood in the ranks of the team, his eyes did not care about Chu Qianyi and Shangguan Yufeng, but always fell on the body of the hundred-mile red makeup.

For such a long time, the red makeup is excellent, just like the past.

However, the commotion caused by the previous one made her misplaced.

Baili Red Makeup is definitely a talented refining pharmacist. The disciples of Tianzong Zong do not know at all, and it is somewhat unexpected.

Moreover, from the position where the red makeup stands, it is obvious that she is not the protagonist of this refining pharmacist contest.

She has known the red makeup for a long time, and the red makeup has always been the protagonist, and she has never been a supporting role.

It seems that this day, the Zongzong is unusual, and the excellent refining pharmacists are too numerous to enumerate.

If she is fortunate enough to be a member of the Scorpio, she will probably be more diligent in the future.

The red makeup stood in front of the alchemy furnace, and with the loud gongs and drums, the action began.

Almost all the refining pharmacists started the operation at the same time. The level of the medicinal herbs they want to refine is not low, and the time it takes is naturally not small.

Three hours, it seems that the time is very long, but once you refine the Dan, this time is not too much.

If there is a mistake in the middle, then it is very likely that the second refining will be too late.

Therefore, this game requirement seems to be simple, but it is very demanding.

Baili red makeup has long been thought of, and the remedy that she wants to refine this time is Liupin Dan medicine - Huichun Dan!

The effect of Huichundan is not the same as that of the medicinal herbs that are common in the weekdays, but it can make people return to youth!

For women, this is undoubtedly the favorite medicine!

The life expectancy of a practitioner is much longer than that of an ordinary person, and the rate of aging is much slower.

However, women are born to love beauty, and aging is something that all women are unwilling to accept.

Therefore, Huichun Dan has always been the remedy for many female practitioners.

However, Huichun Dan has not appeared on the Sheng Xuan mainland for a long time.

It is said that Dandan of Huichundan has been lost.

As a woman, she is very clear about the Danfang nature of Huichun Dan.

Huichundan belongs to the superior medicinal herbs in Liupindan, which is quite complicated in refining.

This time, she is going to defeat Shangguan Yufeng with Huichun Dan, and does not say that the level of Chundan is quite high, coupled with the characteristics of its loss, unless it is Qipin Dan medicine, it is difficult to beat her!

This time, the refining pharmacist contest is about the face of Tianzhu Zong, she must guard it!

Whether it is Wu Pin Dan medicine or Liu Pin Dan medicine, it is extremely precious.

Therefore, in the course of this test, almost all the refining pharmacists did not put the herbs on the table.

For that, it is not to let the Dan medicine Dan, which he has refined, leak out.

Therefore, every refining pharmacist needs a medicinal material to be taken out of the Qiankun bag when refining the medicinal herbs.

The feelings of the hundred-mile red makeup, the power of the body spewed out, and the fire of the fire-fighting Jindan furnace was also burned.

Under the burning of this fire, the temperature of the Dan furnace slowly rises until the cold air in the furnace has dissipated, and the first medicinal material is put into it.

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