Bewitching Prince Spoils His Wife: Genius Doctor Unscrupulous Consort

Chapter 2125: Dafa Shenwei, Baili Red Makeup (1)

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Bailihong makeup is paying attention to the mental power in front of her, and her mental strength is much stronger than ordinary people.

Even a refining pharmacist, few people can compare with her.

Since this is a battle, then there is naturally a place to break the battle.

However, most people have not been exposed to such a situation, so they are not enough to understand.

However, since she met her red makeup, she would naturally let it all go away.

After a while, the red makeup has already found the presence of the eye!

Chu Qianyi obviously has not persisted. If he does not immediately crack the situation, he will fail.

Next, the spirit of the hundred-mile red makeup spread out in an instant!

Everyone only feels that a very large amount of spiritual power is presented in the center of the hundred-mile red makeup, directly rushing to the center where the spiritual power of Guan Yufeng and others are gathered!

When this mental power came out, all the practitioners present were sucking up a cold air.

Everyone was surprised to see this scene, only to wonder if they were wrong.

Is such a terrible mental power really a hundred-mile red makeup?

"My God! The spirit of the red makeup is too horrible, right?"

"I never knew that the spirit of Baili Red Make-up was strong enough in this realm. This mental power is not so much compared with the mental strength of Shangguan Yufeng and others!"

"I went, it turned out that this hundred-mile red makeup is really so powerful!"

For a time, the disciples of Tianzongzong couldn’t care what the red makeup was doing, and they were already shocked by this rich spiritual power.

As practitioners, their mental strength is stronger than ordinary people, but compared with the hundred-mile red makeup, they are completely slag!

Mu Lingbing and Lan Yunqi also took a moment to sneak a moment. They never thought that the mental strength of a hundred red makeup can be strong enough to this kind of realm. Is this a bit too abnormal?

Whether it is Blue Cloud or Muring Ice, they have always been famous geniuses.

However, on the spiritual level, they really can't compare with the red makeup.

After seeing the powerful mental power of Baili Red Makeup, they also understood.

No wonder that Baili red makeup can become a refining pharmacist. If you have such a strong mental power and don't go to be a refining pharmacist, it is a waste of talent!

After Gu Weixiong saw the mental energy suddenly bursting out of the red makeup, the pupils shrunk and the eyes were covered with shocking light.

He had previously felt that he had made a mistake and did not count this red makeup.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Bailihong makeup suddenly had such a move, but it made him even more surprised.

The method of Shangguan Yufeng et al. is taught by him. He also knows the Achilles heel of this formation.

However, this hundred-year-old red makeup is young and should not know.

Situ Yan looked puzzled and looked at the red makeup. He didn't know what the significance of Bailihong makeup suddenly did.

However, in the next moment, in the eyes of everyone, the spirit of the hundred-mile red makeup rushed directly toward the top of Shangguan Yufeng!


The crowd only heard a slight sound, and then Shangguan Yufeng’s face quickly rose red, and there was no previous glory.

Not only Shangguan Yufeng, but the pharmacists' pharmacists' faces turned pale and fell into a state of weakness.

At the same time, Chu Qianyi showed a relaxed look.

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