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"Shaoqing, you can rest assured that Liu Yuyue has become a disciple of Tianzong."

Yuan Zhixin looked at Gong Shaoqing with a smile on his face. He had already learned about the existence of Liu Yuyue from the mouth of Dongfang and others.

Seeing today, this Liu Yanyue is really a very outstanding figure.

"I don't think it's so simple. Liu Yanyue is a beautiful woman. In the place where Tian Zizong's disciples gather, I don't know how many people beat her attention.

Shaoqing, I think you still have a good grasp! ”

Yuan Xiaoman's predecessor made a shot of Gong Shaoqing's shoulder. She stayed in Tianzhuzong for so long. I know this very well.

As Yuan Xiaoman said, both Yuan Xiaoman and Xia Yuqing have pursuers in Tianzhu Zong, not to mention that Liu Yuyue’s appearance is even better.

Of course, the reason why there is no one to pursue the reason is that no one dares to chase.

A woman who dares to **** a small lord, isn't this looking for death?

It is precisely because of this that the red makeup has saved a lot of troubles.

Gong Shaoqing is still silent and does not speak. It is really difficult to judge his true thoughts from the face of the iceberg.

Looking at the people who gathered together, Bailihong makeup smiled and said: "I will go back first."

Hearing, everyone nodded.

Baili Red Makeup has such an amazing move in this refining pharmacist competition today, they do not know whether Bailihong makeup has been affected.

After all, refining the medicinal itself is also a very mentally consuming thing.

Before the red makeup was completely because of the loyalty, I have been here for a long time. Now that the dust has settled, the red makeup should go back to rest.

"Boss, you have to go back to rest well." Yuan Xiaoman cares.

Baili red makeup smiled, "I have no problem, rest assured."


When Bailihong makeup returned to the lord's palace, he found that Situ Yan, Lan Yunqi, Mu Lingbing, and Emperor Beibei were waiting for themselves in the yard.

Taking advantage of this scene, Baili red makeup can not help but appear a touch of surprise color.

"You are waiting for me?" asked Bailihong makeup.

Situ Yan and others nodded slightly, and the reality of Baili Red Makeup today is beyond their expectations. Naturally, we must understand it.

"Red makeup, your reality today is too amazing, but we are all scared!"

Mu Lingbing’s face was full of smiles. If she didn’t see it today, she couldn’t believe it.

"Red makeup, I don't know if you have such amazing accomplishments in alchemy."

Situ Yan’s voice sighed a bit. Before he just wanted to pet the red makeup, he didn’t ask anything. Who could think that the red makeup would give him such a big surprise.

Taking advantage of the care and delight of Situ Yan and others, I only felt a warmth in my heart.

Everyone trusts her so much. She didn't know how her talent in alchemy would let her do it.

This alone is enough to prove that everyone trusts and favors her.

"My grandfather, my alchemy has always been good."

Gerry red makeup smiled, and slowly walked to the side of Situ Yan and sat down.

"Since your alchemy is so outstanding, why didn't you go to the alchemy hall before?"

Situ Yan has already learned that Baili Red Makeup is a refining pharmacist genius. Even Chu Qianyi is not her opponent. She wants to be her master of alchemy.

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