Bewitching Prince Spoils His Wife: Genius Doctor Unscrupulous Consort

Chapter 2160: Because they can't forget it!

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This sentence of Gu Jinghe makes the red-haired makeup and other people feel tight, and does not understand the true meaning of this sentence.

"When the palace owner knew about your experience, he sent someone to save you the first time, but it was too late when we knew it all.

After the incident happened, you should tell us the first thing, otherwise the situation will not be so serious. "

Gu Jinghe sighed and sighed. The situation encountered by Mu Lingbing and others in the past was really a tragedy.

Hearing the words, Mu Lingbing and Lan Yunxiao also felt a sigh.

When such a thing happened at the beginning, watching the shackles of suffocating, their reason has already disappeared completely!

They didn't have the mind to calm down. They just wanted to let the blue-and-white family rush to pay their blood!

Who can think of the blue family at that time would choose to stand on the side of the blue madness, so they will fall into this situation.

Even if time has passed so long, everything in the original is still vivid, and that kind of hatred is in their hearts and never goes out!

At this moment, the light is remembered, and their bodies can't help but tremble!

That is the **** sea enmity!




It is the pain of deep bone marrow. Even if you don't want to forget it, it is because of the hatred of the extreme. They never thought about giving up when they faced endless torture.

Because they can't forget it!

If things come again, I am afraid they will not be able to do that.

Because other people simply don't understand the mood of watching their children fall into a pool of blood!

Gu Jinghe licked the face of Mu Lingbing and Lan Yunqi, and he also understood that under such circumstances, Mu Lingbing would not think so much.

The emotion of the hundred-mile red makeup is also unbearable fluctuations.

Even though she didn't have any memories of her childhood, she could still imagine what a tragic picture it was.

Reason has long since dissipated.

Gu Jinghe sighed and sighed, and did not continue to talk about this matter.

"When we know the specific situation, we look for you, but there is no news at all.

We went to the Blue House, but the attitude of the blue parents is as old as it is. This is a shame for them, so they are not willing to say anything else. "

After that, the palace owner never gave up looking for your whereabouts, but the news left at that time was too little, and some people eliminated the traces all the way.

Therefore, even if we are struggling to find, there is still no news.

Until a long time later, after the palace owner knew the relationship between Yue Mang and Yue Siqing very close, she seemed to think of a lot of things in a moment, went directly to the Yue family.

I didn't know what happened at the time, and the palace owner went alone.

However, when the palace owner came back, she was already seriously injured. "

Gu Jinghe could not help but recall the scene of the original, even though it has been many years, but she still remembers clearly.

"When the palace owner came back, his face turned blue, and it was obviously poisonous.

Moreover, her face flashed an indescribable desperation, no matter how I asked, she never told me anything.

I immediately went to the doctor and the pharmacist to help the lord detoxify, but the toxin was too powerful and didn't get any effect at all. "

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