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Mu Jinser did not walk out of the dormitory, but let Baili red makeup and Mu Lingbing enter the dormitory and then close the door of the dormitory.

She is not suitable for going out now.

"Binger, snuggle, you and I talk about how you have been through these years."

While talking, Mu Jinsi still veiled, not willing to let the two hundred red makeup two see her half face.

From the cautious appearance of Mu Jinsi, she can see that she is extremely concerned about this situation. She just wants to see Mu Lingbing and Bailihong makeup, so she is willing to open the door of the dormitory.

However, in her heart, she still refuses to let anyone see her present.

Seeing the situation, Baili red makeup and Mu Lingbing are not in a hurry.

Now that Mu Jinsei is willing to see them, they will eventually let them know the real situation.

For these years, Mu Lingbing obviously has nothing to say.

She has been imprisoned by Yue Siqing for many years, and it is nothing but painful suffering.

Now that all this suffering has ended, she is not willing to think again.

It is only sometimes that when I go back to midnight, I still remember the past, like a nightmare. The face of Yue Siqing’s maddening madness made her body cold, and all kinds of inexplicable toxins made her fear and fear.

She understands that this is because this is really entangled in her for too many years, so she will not forget.

However, she believes that as long as she spends a certain amount of time, it will all be a thing of the past.

Mu Lingbing is obviously not willing to say it all. Now it is only to make Mu Jinshen and Bai Lihong makeup more difficult.

Therefore, Mu Jinser and Mu Lingbing put their attention on the body of the hundred-mile red makeup.

Bailihong makeup briefly said her own experiences over the years, and all the humiliation and suffering she suffered were not said.

The three of them have worked very hard these years, and it is enough for them to endure.

"It's God bless, but fortunately you have survived, and now it has become so good.

God finally did not take all our hopes away. ”

Mu Jinsi couldn't help but sigh, and she was heartbroken after she learned about the things that Bailihong makeup had suffered.

I thought that it would be impossible to see each other again in this life. She even thought that she could not face the red makeup even if she was under Jiuquan.

I never thought that the red makeup of Baili had survived so strong.

"Grandma, God did not cut off our hopes.

Although we have suffered a lot in these years, it is the end.

Then we will return all the pain to the Yue family and the blue family! ”

In the eyes of the hundred-mile-red makeup, the light of forbearance and sorrow is flashing, and their lives are wasted for decades, especially Mu Jinsei, and Yue Siqing almost ruined her life!

Listening to the words of the hundred-mile red makeup, Mu Jinsi could not help but glance at the strange light.

This ray of light faded and quickly turned into firmness and viciousness.


They have suffered for so many years of humiliation for no reason!

The grievance between her and Mu Jinser has developed to this point. Why should her daughter and granddaughter be immersed in such a conspiracy?

She is not willing!

She can't easily bear it all this way!

In the past, she felt that there was no Mu Lingbing and Bailihong makeup. All this has no meaning.

However, now everything has become different!

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