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Situ Yan, Mu Lingbing and others fell into an anxious wait.

Every day, they can feel the condition of Mu Jinsi is a little worse. As Baili Red makeup said, it can only last for three days.

Everyone is anxious, can look at the kind of red makeup and can not help but worry, every minute and every second seems to suffer.

In a blink of an eye, it will arrive between the three days.

Situ Yan has been guarding Mu's bedside. He suddenly found that Mu Jinser's body began to tremble, and her brow was tightly locked, apparently suffering tremendous pain.

Taking note of this, Situ Yan immediately understood that the poison in the body of Mu Jinsi was about to break out.

Therefore, he asked Mu Lingbing to inform Baili Red makeup for the first time.

Just when Mu Lingbing came to inform Baili Red Makeup, Baili Red Makeup came out of the house and held a bowl of soup in his hand.

Emperor Beibei and Lanyunyu kept their doors outside the door of the red makeup for three days. Now, when they saw the red makeup coming out of the house, they immediately greeted them.

"Dependent, is this?"

At the first sight, Lan Yunyan noticed the soup in the hands of the hundred-mile red makeup, and immediately couldn’t help but ask.

These days, Baili red makeup has been configured with antidote. At this moment, a bowl of soup is suddenly coming out. Is it already found?

"Let your grandmother take this bowl of soup and try it, maybe it can stop the worms."

Listening to the words of the hundred-mile red makeup, everyone is shocked. "Then we will go to the temple immediately."

Just as the three hundred red makeup players were ready to go, Mu Lingbing ran quickly.

"Mother, grandmother's vicious attack?"

Not waiting for Mu Lingbing to speak, Baili red makeup has already taken the lead.

Mu Lingbing nodded quickly. "It has to be stopped."

"If you don't want to be late, let's go faster!"

After Mu Lingbing saw that the red makeup had prepared the soup, it was also a joy, and everyone quickly rushed to the dormitory.

When everyone came to the dormitory, Mu Jinser's body had begun to twitch, the whole person was extremely painful, and Situ Yan was blinded by his face, worried that Mu Jinser would see him.

However, at this moment, Mu Jinsi obviously does not notice Situ Yan.

This kind of severe pain is common in the days before the attack, and people are so painful that they can't live without their own lives.

Mu Jinsi couldn't help but roll on the ground, and the blood was madly sprayed out. She felt that her body was burning, as if she were going to burn.

When I saw this kind of Mu Jinser, everyone was shocked, and it was terrible to see this poisonous attack.

Baili Red Makeup stepped forward and said to Situ Yan and others: "Hold the grandmother's body and let her not move."

Situ Yan and others immediately controlled Mu Jinsi's body, and Mu Jinser struggled fiercely. However, she had no power under the pain. At this moment, it was even more difficult to be suppressed by Situ Yan and others.

Thousands of red makeup quickly applied, try to use this method to alleviate the pain of Mu Jinsi.

The silver needle is constantly vibrating, and the pale face of the hundred-mile red makeup is constantly oozing sweat. This time it is more difficult to contain it.

Finally, under the control of the hundred-mile red makeup, Mu Jinsi’s situation was a bit flat.

Upon seeing it, Bailihong makeup immediately took the soup and fed it, which is the only hope. I only hope that my grandmother can get better.

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