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Listening to the words of concern to everyone, Li Yangbing quickly waved his hand. "Let everyone rest assured, I am fine."

Although he is still weak, it does not affect his actions.

"Li Yangbing, when we are in action, you should not take a shot and take a rest."

The beauty and exquisite face of the beautiful and careful smile, the hundred-mile red makeup can also see the current state of Li Yangbing, as long as it does not work later, it will not have any effect.

"Thank you for the Lord!"

Li Yangbing was grateful to see the red makeup, he did not want to drag on everyone's journey because of himself.

"In this case, let's go and see what the tree vines that attacked us yesterday are."

The red makeup turned and looked at the direction that the tree vine left last night. There was a lot of blood on the ground, so it was easy for them to pursue the past.

The faces of Long Xuanjing and others all flashed a dignified color. They were unable to be attacked by sneak attack last night. If it wasn’t for the night, the line of sight was blocked, and the tree vines were directly covered by the sky. Blocking the moonlight, they will not be so embarrassed.

The weather is fine today, they are going to have a look at what the tree vines of last night are!

"I must completely kill the victim. I haven't known how many people have been harmed by this tree and vine for so many years!"

Yan Ao-shuang's face is full of anger, she has embarked on the road of cultivation for so long, and she has never been so embarrassed, it is really mad!

"The things in this battle of the battle are really weird. I have never heard of such things in the world."

Yan Yifan frowned, and thought that there was no danger in the battle of the competition. I did not expect that they would have seen what was called real danger on the first day of the battle.

The strength of their team is extremely powerful. If you change to a normal team and face the cofferdam of the tree vine, then it will only be the end of the army.

The Baili red makeup line was followed in the direction of the blood, and it was discovered that the range of the tree vine was unexpectedly far.

Originally they were in the outer periphery of the forest, and now they are following the bloodstains and have entered the forest a little bit.

The closer you are to the forest, the more people's hearts will sink. This is what kind of tree vines can extend such a terrible length. It is really shocking.

Finally, under the track of everyone, everyone came to the nest of the tree vine.

In the midst of sight, a huge black tree appeared in the sight of everyone, and the size of this tree was beyond the expectations of everyone.

Because the size of this large tree is just like a three-story building!

Countless vines are entwined in the big trees, and the huge tree vines make everyone understand why the tree vines can extend so far last night.

Bailihong makeup suddenly understood when I saw this tree vine. "I understand why we have not seen any traces of monsters along the way. I am afraid it is because of the existence of this tree vine."

Last night they had already seen the fighting power of this tree vine. It was too horrible. If the monster was stared at by this vine, I would have no chance to escape and be sucked into a corpse.

She felt very strange when they stepped into the forest, because she didn't hear the screams of a little monster, it was unusual.

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