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In the holy Xuan mainland, the ice ice holy lotus has always been a priceless baby.

Because such a baby can save one's life at any time in a critical moment, no matter what the price is not as important as life, so the ice ice holy lotus has always been priceless.

Even at auctions, it is rarely seen.

After seeing this ice lotus, the eyes could not help but change a few points.

"I didn't expect there would be a cold ice lotus here."

The eyes of everyone can't help but look back and forth between the Xuan Bing cold fire and the ice ice holy lotus. Both are extremely precious treasures, but the Xuan Bing cold fire is obviously even better.

However, none of them thought that there would be two treasures here.

It seems that this battle of competition is really worthy of the name.

Even if you can't make a name for yourself through this battle of competition, it is enough that these harvested treasures are enough to raise their strengths again.

Baili red makeup quickly wanted to understand the key, although the ice ice Shenglian is precious, but some big forces are not without.

After all, even without the ice lotus, some remedies that can make people come back to life still exist.

However, this mysterious cold fire can be different.

If human cultivators absorb this cold fire, then the strength will be greatly improved, and the martial arts means will be one more. The benefits are too great.

This level of baby, even in the martial art or in the family, is extremely precious.

From the perspective of the environment of the ice world in front of us, the red makeup of Baili is almost certain. Originally, only a cold ice lotus was placed here.

It’s just that this tree demon is too powerful. Once it exists, it has existed for so many years in this battle of competition. No team has defeated it.

As this time gradually lengthened, the environment here was born in addition to the mysterious cold fire.

Only for this reason can you explain why there are two treasures here.

I am afraid... even the people of all major forces do not know that there will be a cluster of mysterious ice here!

If they know it, they will be heartbroken.

"Let's take this icy cold fire out of the ice."

Long Xuan Jing looked around, obviously there are only these two kinds of treasures in this ice world.

Since they have been found by them, there is no need to waste time.

You must know that this mysterious cold fire is in this iceberg, and the ice is extremely thick. It takes a certain amount of time to get it out.

Baili red makeup nodded slightly and said: "Indeed, we should not waste time."

For a time, five practitioners began to slash the ice, and the other five practitioners went to pick the ice lotus!

After a while, everyone succeeded in taking the cold fire from the ice.

"The Lord of the Palace, this Xuanbing cold fire you absorbed it."

Long Xuanjing looked at the hundred-mile red makeup. She was the younger palace owner of the Promise Palace. This baby was first discovered by her, and she absorbed it.

Other disciples also nodded. If it wasn't for the existence of the ice world, they had completely missed it.

The eyes of the three beasts also show the excitement of light. If the master can give this Xuanbing cold fire to the contract, then there is another means to deal with the blue light smoke!

However, the red makeup of Baili shook his head.

"This cold fire is discovered by everyone together. Who can absorb it and look at their respective fate."

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