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Baili red makeup satisfactorily looked at the amazing destructive power in the distance, and the lips slowly evoked a bright smile.

It seems that this explosive can still achieve some unexpected effects at some time, and it is still more prepared on the side of the day to prepare for the unexpected.

For example, when I saw the genius of the celestial snake, who is famous for his slapstick tricks, she used this method to be excellent.

"Boss, the power of your explosives is really impossible."

Xiaobai gave a thumbs up, and the original dilemma now only needs a dynamite to solve it!

"Qing Tian Xuan snake absolutely can't think of the final death."

The white lion shook his head and sighed.

It can guess the previous plan of the Optimus, but if it meets the owner, it can only be said that the Optimus is unlucky.

The red makeup of the hundred smiles, "and smoothed another obstacle, we can continue to move forward."

Long Xuanjing and others have come to the side of the hundred-mile red makeup, and now they are marveling at the scene behind them.

"In view of this destructive power, the Optimus Heavenly Snake must die and can no longer die." Long Xuanjing slowed down.

As soon as this was said, the faces of everyone showed an excited smile.

I thought they were going to be trapped in this place, but I didn't expect everything to be solved.

Whenever a big problem is solved, there is always an unspeakable pleasure in the hearts of everyone!

"The Lord of the House, the power of your explosives is really amazing!"

Yi Yifan looked happy, and thought that the celestial Xuan snake had no idea what happened before and felt very funny.

"Yeah, less palace owner."

Everyone has looked at the hundred-mile red makeup. If it wasn't for the lesser family who came up with this trick, I am afraid that they and the Optimus will now be the opposite ending.

"I also happened to bring explosives, I didn't expect the effect to be so good."

Baili red makeup chuckles, it seems that there are many benefits to this body with some treasures.

The crowd no longer speaks, but the heart has already made the red makeup as a god.

The Shaogong master leads them as if they are helpless. This ordinary person can't solve the problem at all. The lesser can always solve it unexpectedly. They can't do anything other than admire.

As the fluctuations in the front gradually subsided, the red makeup of the hundred miles came out: "Let's go check it out."

With the words of the hundred-mile red makeup falling, everyone is playing the spirit.

This Optimus is so difficult to deal with, it should be a certain baby...

The originally flat ground has been cracked under the previous battle fluctuations, like a huge spider web, spreading a few meters deep into the ground, it looks extremely awkward.

The closer it is to the place where the Optimus is, the more horrible it is.

When the people returned to their original location again, they discovered that the Optimus Xuan snake was directly fragmented under the power of the explosive, and it was able to see its fluffy flesh everywhere.

The blood has been stained red on the ground, giving off a bad smell of burnt.

Explosives exploded in the body of the Optimus, and this effect was also expected by everyone. It was just that the horrible body was in front of him, and no one could associate it with the arrogant Optimus.

Everyone looked for a circle around the celestial snake, but did not see anything, could not help but frown, is the situation and the previous tree demon?

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