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"How can I not use you, at least I am stronger than you!"

The red makeup of the hundred miles is not ok, the more blue light smoke is now arrogant, when she kills the blue home, the blue light smoke will fall more miserable!

"Master, we can't help it, this guy dare to insult us!"

Both Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai’s face are angry. It’s true that they appear to be with their faces, but they have never been insulted.

"Dare to insult your uncle, let you see how powerful we are!"

The blue light smoke saw Xiaohei and Xiaobai, and the two monsters who seemed to be able to shoot after a slap in the face were even more angry.

"When I have solved your master first, I will string you up and eat it!"

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai ignored the blue light smoke, but looked at the red makeup.

Although they look at this guy, they don't feel so happy, but they have to admit that the strength of the blue light smoke is indeed very strong. If they accidentally deal with it, I am afraid that there will be problems today!

With the existence of the Ring of Chaos, they can naturally save their lives, but what about other practitioners in the team?

Therefore, they have no other way to choose.

After paying attention to the sight of Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, the red makeup of Baili followed the people who were fighting on the other side.

Fortunately, the strength of the disciples of the Promise Palace and the children of the Blue Family is not much different. At this moment, it is difficult to distinguish hard. In a short time, I am afraid that it is impossible to distinguish the winners and losers.

The next moment, the red makeup nodded.

She understands that the blue light smoke is the owner of the blue family, and there is absolutely no shortage of ground martial arts.

If she uses ordinary martial arts, and the blue light smoke is stronger than herself, she can't achieve any effect.

Therefore, they must display a strong move from the beginning, otherwise they are only dragging themselves.

The body of the hundred-mile red makeup quickly surged, and the knot between the hands appeared. At the same time, Xiaohei and Xiaobai also started to act at the same time.

After the blue light smoke saw the strength of Xiaohei and Xiaobai actually reached the 9th stage of Qingjing, she was also dumbfounded.

It is surprising that these two seemingly harmless beasts have such strengths.

Taking advantage of the red-brimmed makeup and the two beasts, the blue light smoke understands that the martial arts they are going to perform next is not simple.

Then, the blue light smoke also used martial arts.

No matter what kind of tricks this hundred-year-old red makeup plays, she must crush it!

With the condensed handprints of Bailihong makeup, Xiaohei and Xiaobai, a huge gossip array appeared in the air, constantly rotating, exuding the power of mysterious.

An astonishing force has spread from this battle, and the power in the air has been dragged into it.

The action of the blue light smoke is also very fast, and a blue sea water appears behind her, the waves are raging and the momentum is amazing!

Only one glance, the red makeup of the hundred miles will know that the blue light smoke is displayed on the ground level martial arts, and it is still the intermediate level martial arts!

The details of the family can be seen!

The blue light smoke also felt the power of this 卦 卦 卦 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样 同样

She took the idea of ​​a hundred-mile red makeup and showed this martial art. But now, I am afraid I can't achieve the effect I want.

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