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This news is also known to everyone earlier.

After all, the exchanges between the Ouyang family and the Lan family are quite close, and the heirs of the two are quite old. If they can be tied together, it is definitely a good thing.

Therefore, Ouyang Jia and Lan Jia have such plans, but the blue light and smoke are very proud, and there are still some dissatisfaction, so they are not married.

In any case, Ouyang and Lanjia are all ally-like existences, which can be seen from the previous Ouyang Yitian’s attempt to save the blue light smoke.

"Light smoke, this time I saved you."

Ouyang Yitian’s face was full of smiles and graceful walks.

The other cultivators of Ouyang’s family also smiled on their faces. On weekdays, the blue family and the young masters always look like they are arrogant, even if they have little disdain for them.

I did not expect that they would need to be rescued by the Lord. This made them feel very happy.

Blue light smoke was relieved after seeing Ouyang Yitian, at least, her life could be saved.

When Ouyang Yitian saw the tragic situation of the blue light smoke at the moment, the face full of smiles could not help but solidify.

For the strength of the blue light smoke, he can understand it.

Even if the successors of various forces take the shot, I am afraid it is difficult to seriously damage the blue light smoke.

However, now the blue light smoke has become like this, the right hand is gone directly?

If he is not mistaken, this team is the team of the Promise Palace!

Is it difficult to be seriously injured by the disciples of the Promise Palace? Is this too incredible?

"Less nonsense!"

Blue light smoke is very unpleasant for others to see such awkward appearance.

"Help me kill this woman!"

The blue light smoke, which was already weak to the extreme, was once again smashed in this moment. The Ouyang family has always been an ally of their blue family.

Now Ouyang Yitian is coming, it is absolutely not difficult for her to have the life of a hundred miles of red makeup!

Not only that, the team of the Promise Palace will be completely destroyed today!

The face of the red makeup was sunk, and I didn’t expect to kill a journey in the middle of the road!

The strength of this Ouyang family is not weak. Once the Ouyang family and the blue family's practitioners join forces, their situation can be dangerous.

Moreover, looking at the attitude of the blue light smoke to Ouyang Yitian, it is obvious that the two are very familiar.

"Blue light smoke, if I help you, how can you thank me?"

Ouyang Yitian is not in a hurry, with a faint smile in his eyes.

On weekdays, the blue light smoke has always been a proud and disdainful look. Today, it is rare for blue light smoke to seek for itself. He naturally has to take advantage of this opportunity to suppress the arrogance of blue light smoke.

However, he has been very satisfied with the women with strong background such as blue light smoke.

In his eyes, the blue light smoke is his wife sooner or later.

The blue light smoke crossbrows cold and vertical, she and Ouyang Yitian have known each other for so long, and they also understand the temperament of Ouyang Yitian.

In fact, the youngest hero she has seen in the past few years has only this Ouyang Yitian is the best.

"As long as you help me to destroy the Promise, I will consider marrying you."

Since this time, the family has been telling her about this thing, and her heart has gradually accepted it.

Although she has opinions from time to time, in the eyes of ordinary people, Ouyang Yitian is already a rare perfect husband.

"So great!"

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