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Because of the relationship between the red makeup and the blue light smoke, the team is surprisingly quiet on this road.

Even if everyone has a bit of guess in their hearts, they will lower their voices and be reluctant to be known by the enemy. Blue Light Smoke and Ouyang Yitian are a certain distance away from the hundred-mile red makeup.

"Ouyang Yitian, look at this situation, is it a pair of red makeup and ink clouds?"

The eyes of the blue light smoke locked in the two figures in front, but in her mind, a thousand 10,000 people did not want to see this happen.

Hearing, Ouyang Yi thought for a moment and said: "It is very possible to see them. They should have known each other."

If you don't know it early, there will be no such tacit understanding between Baili Red Makeup and Moyun.

What's more, according to Lan Lanyan, the day when Bailihong makeup became the head of the Promise Palace is still short. He thinks that it is very likely that they will realize it before the red makeup becomes the Palace of the Promise.

"The Promise Palace has not been established for a long time, but its strength is not weak. The combination between Moyun and Bailihong makeup should not be hindered."

It is precisely because the establishment time is not long, there is no contradiction between the Promise Palace and the Tiantianlou. If the two people have the same mind, then it should be a happy thing together.

Plus, whether it is a hundred-mile red makeup or an ink cloud, it is extremely excellent, and the two together are not at all critical.

Listening to Ouyang Yitian’s words, the blue light smoke could not help but bite the lip, and the dissatisfaction in her heart would have drowned her!

She would rather be with her, and she would never let the red makeup outweigh her!

However, when the previous ink cloud appeared, his gaze fell from the beginning to the end of the red makeup, almost never looked at her, it was mad at her.

Even if the look of the red makeup is a little better than her, her blue light smoke is not an object that can easily be ignored.

From the beginning to the present, there are only two people in the eyes of Mo Yunxiao - Baili Red Makeup and Ouyang Yitian, she is completely ignored!

Ouyang Yitian squatted with the changing color of the blue light smoke and guessed the latter's ideas. He and Lan Lanyan have known each other for so many years. For the blue light smoke, the small intestines of the chicken can be seen as early as possible. Everywhere, the blue light smoke must have been mad.

However, he can't say anything about this situation. Anyway, they are hostile to the red makeup.

As the crowd progressed, suddenly, four passages appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this scene, everyone’s face climbed together with a smear of color, and did not understand what it was.

"Four channels, is this the meaning of letting our four teams go apart?" A practitioner couldn't help but speak out.

Four teams, four channels, this is almost like being allocated.

After seeing these four passages, the beautiful makeup flashed a ray of wisdom. It seems that they have already arranged it here.

In the first few steps of the ink cloud, I saw that there was a small plaque hanging on the side of the passage. The plaque was written with a simple line.

"One channel for each team."

Simple and rude, it guides everyone in the next direction.

However, what happens after entering this channel is unpredictable.

"Red makeup, it seems that we have to separate again."

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