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“Nothing?” Yue Man’s face was incredible. “Who did it? The courage is too big!”

The blue light smoke is the blue family leader. The position on weekdays cannot be shaken. Even if the other party does not dare to be so embarrassed, it directly breaks her arm.

"It’s all the **** of the red makeup! I will give it back to her sooner or later!"

When I think of the red makeup of the hundred miles, the expression of the blue light smoke is extremely gloomy, and the dawn is even more sultry.

The pain of this broken arm she remembered clearly, and the slap on her heart made her unforgettable.

Lan Jing screamed like a blue light smoke, and the gloom in his eyes still did not dissipate.

"Since I still want revenge, cheer me up now!

If you continue to evade after making a mistake, you are losing yourself! ”

Hearing that the face of the blue light smoke is very unsightly, but also knows that the blue Jing mad is true.

I am afraid that after she returned, the entire Lan family has already set off an uproar. If she has never been in this way, I am afraid that it will lead everyone to criticize her.

She really can't go on like this anymore...

"What should I do now?"

Blue light smoke helplessly looked at Lan Jing mad, now that she has been messed up, she does not know how to be good.

"Go to the House of Representatives!"

Lan Jing was cold with a face, and the look of the blue light smoke was full of anger, but after seeing the blue light smoke finally realized, his attitude was slightly eased.

"I will inform the elders."

Blue light smoke nodded, and it was terrible that Lan Jing mad once launched a fire, even if she did not dare to talk back.

"You give me a correct attitude! As a major, there are mainly the main responsibilities of the Lord. Only in this way can you let the elders not disappoint you, can you understand?"

Before leaving, Lan Jing sneaked a word and then turned and left.

After Lan Jing’s mad departure, Yue Mang’s concern for the blue light flue: “Light smoke, you are such a temper, you should not put it in your heart.

This arm must be able to recover, don't worry. ”

"I know."

The unpleasant color on the face of the blue light smoke is still strong. "I will go to the Senate!"

Lan Jing’s madness was only concerned with her status. Even if she suffered such a serious injury, she did not hear the words of Lan Jing’s madness. She already understood it.

However, she does not care.

When she really becomes a homeowner, she will not pay attention to Lan Jing mad!

What Yue Mang had originally wanted to say, but the blue light smoke did not continue to talk to her, and turned away.

Only Yue Mang stayed in the room and looked at the two people who left in a blink of an eye, and his heart was helpless.

The temperament of the blue light smoke is very similar to that of the Lan Jing madness. Today, she can only feel helpless in the face of Lan Jing madness or blue light smoke.

When the blue light smoke came to the chamber of the council, Lan Jing mad had already informed the elders to gather in the forum.

"Sorry, the elders, I was in a bad mood, so I left first, I am sorry."

Blue light smoke took the lead to apologize to the elders for a ceremony, and the faces of the elders were so good.

The reality of the previous blue light smoke is that everyone is chilling. If something happens in the future, the blue light smoke will only escape this way, then their Lan family will not see the future.

In comparison, Lanjing madness is more suitable for homeowners.

Unfortunately, the owner is not willing to give this seat to him.

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