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It’s not just black, but the white and white lions can’t help but look at the red makeup after talking about it. They are equally curious.

With a look of excitement looking at his three small radish heads, a hundred smiles with a little smile, these three little guys have always wanted to know everything.

"Everything is worming."

The eyes of the hundred-mile red makeup were very cold. When she went to rescue her mother, the blue light smoked a group of people and went to the dungeon to see Mu Lingbing.

When she rescued her mother, she noticed the new scars on her mother.

I don't have to think about it, it is not caused by the blue light smoke caused by Yue Mang, especially the red slap on the face of Mu Lingbing, as if hitting her heart.

From that moment on, she was determined to return all of this to Yue Manhao and Lan Lanyan.

What's more, after learning about the poisons that the mother-in-law was forcibly fed and the pain she suffered in the past few years, she felt that it was impossible to return them to them no matter what they did.

She wants to let blue light smoke and other people clearly feel what is pain, what is painful.

"Everything is worming?"

The three beasts are shining brightly. Just listening to this name knows that this poison is not simple.

"This poison should now have already occurred in the body of the blue light smoke. She will feel a huge pain in the body, and countless pains will be drilled from every cell, making it impossible to avoid.

Moreover, as long as there is a wound on the body, the wound cannot heal.

Every pain for seven days, this pain will disappear for a day, but when the pain is again, the pain will rise again. ”

When the red makeup was used to configure this poison, I only wanted to let the blue light smoke taste the pain.

Over the years, the pain that the Lanjing mad family has given them can be thousands of times more powerful than these pains!

Now, she let them feel it, what it feels like.

"However, although this pain is unbearable, it does not require her life.

After all, I still need a positive confrontation with her! ”

The red lips of the hundred-mile makeup evoke a meaningful smile. The blue light smoke grabbed her colorful pearls and the scenery has been so many years. Now, she has to defeat the blue light smoke by hand!

Just let her die, it is too cheap for her.

Many times, the pain in the heart is much more painful than the pain in the body!

Listening to the red makeup, the three beasts nodded.

"I will let the blue light smoke suffer for a while and recover a little interest. Later, there is still her good feeling!"

The little black face is full of excitement. Since I saw the blue light smoke, it hated the blue light smoke.

However, as the owner said, it feels that it is the most happy to defeat the blue light smoke in the face of the Blue family.

The white and white lions are also looking at the red makeup, and they are 100% support regardless of the choices made by the owner.

The current blue light smoke does not understand the reasons for all of them, but it won't take long. When the people of the Lan family know this, they will be very good.

"If I expected it to be good, the poison I configured, the Blue family could not be lifted.

Now, they should have gone to the Yue family with blue light smoke. ”

The red lips and the lips evoke a mocking smile, all in her plan.

"Master, can you solve the problem?"

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