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Suddenly, Ji Lexue saw Yue Ruilin not far from the front, and the light could not help but illuminate. He wanted to ask Yue Ruilin what time the Yue family is. But when Yue Ruilin took her, she simply refused to take care of others. People left the scope of the Yue family.

Seeing this scene, Ji Lexue can't help but feel cold.

In this case, at this critical moment, one can see the true heart of one person.

Obviously, Yue Ruilin had only oneself in his mind at this time, and she did not have her at all.

At this time, Yue Siqing came out of the house and looked at Ji Lexue and others at the door, saying: "Pick up and prepare to leave!"

When the voice fell, Ji Lexue and so on could not help but stunned. It seems that their guess is really good.

Yue Siqing obviously has no thoughts and Ji Lexue and others say more. Now the most important thing is to quickly evacuate the children of Yuejia.

Every time you stay here for a while, the loss of Yuejia will increase by a few points.

Now the defeat of the Yue family is already an unstoppable trend. The only thing they can do is to reduce the losses so that the Yue family can have a chance to make a comeback.

It’s just that when I can make a comeback, I don’t know...

"Homeowner, this is definitely a conspiracy. I think it is very likely that the last batch of people did it!"

The elders of Yuejia are full of grief and indignation. What kind of scenery are they in Yuejia? Nowadays, like a family dog, the whole family migrated. Once the news spread, it was really a shame and lost home.

As soon as this was said, the face of Yue Yutian and others changed a bit.

"I also think that this is very likely. The means and methods of the other side are not much different from the previous one. It is just that the toxin is more powerful and stronger than the last time. It is well prepared."

Yue Siqing calmly screamed, and the idea was also hovering in her mind.

These two things are really strikingly similar, except that the last time the other party was obviously in a hurry, and this time it was prepared.

Therefore, this time the destructive power is much more horrible than the last time.

"What kind of person is this announcement? How did our Yue family offend her so much that she wants to make such a vicious thing!"

Yue Hao’s fist hit the table, and the whole table was instantly split!

The other party's means is too sinister. If they are facing a frontal collision, they can at least have some preparations, but now all this is done in secret, when they find out, everything is too late.

It is too unacceptable to think that his Tang family has been destroyed in this short period of time.

The elders of Yuejia are also gloomy, and this thing happened too suddenly, until now there is still a feeling like a dream.

They just fell asleep and how did everything change?

"This time, we should not recruit the propaganda, the strength is so outstanding, there must be problems!"

The two elders gloomy face, a kind of unwillingness and anger spread in his heart.

What kind of scenery are they on weekdays?

Now it has become like this. I will see other people in the future. I really can't lift my head.

Hearing, Yue Si couldn't help but frown. "This thing is not decided by me alone. Is this the second elder who is blaming me?"

"This is the end of the matter, everyone should not be guilty, or think about what to do next." Yue Hao Tian cold channel.

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