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The dark and deep beauty reveals a bit of worry and haze, and the blue light smoke looks at the blue madness in front of you.

She wants to handle the red makeup with her own hands, but she has to admit that the talent of this hundred-mile red makeup is not bad.

I thought that her cultivation was stronger than the Baili red makeup, and the red makeup was just in the downside. It was not without a bit of counterattack.

Then with the help of the chaotic monument, the strength of the hundred-mile red makeup can be described as leaps and bounds. On the contrary, she was stunned by the red makeup, resulting in no loss in the three months.

In her current situation, once she meets with the red makeup, she still lacks a bit of confidence.

Therefore, she can only put hope on the blue madness.

The Lan family has stood up in the Sheng Xuan mainland for so many years, and there must be some means to improve its strength.

She has heard of it before, but it is extremely precious. Only the most important person in the family can own it.

Although she did not know what it was, she knew that it must be a baby.

If she can get this inheritance, she will be full of confidence when she faces the red makeup.

Listening to the blue light smoke, Lan Jing's mad lips are slightly sloppy, and the gloomy and beautiful face reveals complexity and embarrassment.

Seeing such a blue madness, there are some embarrassments in the blue light smoke.

For her father's character, she has not been able to understand for so many years. Almost every time she saw Lan Jing screaming like this, her heart couldn't help but pick it up.

Lan Jing mad has been staring at the blue light smoke, half a sigh, this slowly opens: "The family has a secret method that can help you improve, but the pain you need is not small.

Usually only the homeowner has a chance to accept it. Although you are now determined to be the future owner, it is not. ”

When the words came out, the blue light smoke could not help but frown, and the hands under the sleeves gradually clenched into fists.

Although her right hand has now recovered, she still remembers the pain of the broken arm.

When she saw the red makeup last time, she was a loser.

Now that Baili Red Makeup has arrived in Lanyang City, I am sure to laugh at her all the time.

She can't stand this time when she sees the red makeup again. It is still her defeat, and the Emperor Beibei will come together this time.

The blue family is her home, how can she be defeated by an outsider?

"Hey, I will be the owner of the Blue House sooner or later, this thing... Should you have a way?"

The blue light smoke suddenly looked up, and the eyes shone with a firm **** light. This time she must not fail!

In any case, she must get this inheritance!

With the blue light smoke, the ambition must be seen, and Lan Jing’s mad eyes can’t help but flash a bit of surprise.

For so many years, he has never seen such a firm appearance of blue light smoke.

It seems that after this time, the blue light smoke is really growing.

This ambition, he appreciates it!

Just like him, but whatever he sees, no matter what kind of means must be obtained!

Now, he is somewhat grateful for the red makeup. If there is no such thing, the blue light smoke may not know when he can understand all this.

"Since this is something you must get, as your father, I will naturally try my best to help you."

Lan Jing screamed at the lips, and the sinister eyes began to smash the light.

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