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"You don't know what it is?"

Emperor Beibei twisted a good-looking eyebrow. When the ice and snow temple was about to open, the blue light smoke suddenly came like this kind of movement, obviously it would not be a good thing.

Moyun shook his head. "This thing was carried out by the blue family. I can know that this is a good thing. What is the specific thing, except for the core people of Lanjing crazy, I am afraid there will be no Other people know."

Hearing the words, Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei are in silence.

They will have to go to the Blue House tomorrow, and the Blue Light Smoke will suddenly have an action tonight, and it seems that they are all looking bad.

Just, I don’t know what the blue light smoke will do.

"We and the blue light cigarettes are rivals. It is also expected that she will try to deal with us.

According to my guess, maybe blue light smoke wants to work hard to improve the training tonight. ”

The red lips of the hundred-mile makeup are slightly raised, and the beautiful and unremarkable face does not reveal the color of worry. On the contrary, it is still light and relaxed.

With the experience of past life, she also knows some of the means that the family has.

These means are even worse than they were a thousand years ago.

Forced to improve, this is also the means adopted by the family at some special moments.

However, the effects of each family are different, and the effects and sequelae are different.

Although I am not sure if my guess is right, at this time, the biggest possibility is this one.

With the voice of the hundred-mile-red makeup falling, Emperor Beibei and Moyun couldn't help but look at each other, and the look is a bit complicated.

"If this is the case, then the Blue House is now in the blood."

Mo Yun's eyes are steep and dark. This kind of sudden improvement in the way he cultivated has also been heard, but the general side effects are very large and will not be easily used.

However, the blue light tobacco is the future owner of the blue family, and it is naturally impossible for the blue family to ruin the future of the blue light smoke because of the blue light smoke.

So, there is only one possibility - the side effects are small!

Such secrets are often extremely precious, and they are not easy to use. It should be that the Blue House pays a lot of money.

"It's not surprising that the blue light smoke is the lesser of the blue family, and the blue family is willing to pay for it."

The imperial concubine of the darkness of the emperor was filled with haze. The original situation was in their expectation. I did not expect that this happened again, but it was a bit complicated.

Of course, the increase in the strength of the blue light smoke is not what he cares most. He is more concerned that everything that blue light smoke now uses is a resource that should belong to the hundred-mile red makeup.

Compared to the gloomy ink cloud and the emperor, the red makeup is a smile.

"Blue light smoke is now a dog jumped into the wall. It seems that she also regarded me as a very strong opponent.

In order to defeat me, she has used all the solutions. ”

Compared with the situation that has been despised by the blue light smoke, the red makeup of the blue is that the blue light smoke is now like the enemy, she is more willing to see.

Even if the blue light smoke exerts all the means, using all the resources that can be used, it will eventually be defeated in her hands, such a blow is the biggest and most unbearable.


The next day, the three-year-old red makeup rose early, and tomorrow is the ladder to open the ice and snow, so they have to stay in the blue home today!

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