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The cold, cold words are indifferent and disgusting, but they are screaming!

Lan Jing mad and all the blue family members who were present couldn't help but look at the blue and light smoke and look at the red makeup. I don't understand why Bailihong makeup would say such a thing.

Yue Siqing is also suddenly looking up, his face is difficult to hide the color of shock.

It’s hard to be... is her judgment correct?

This woman in front of me is really the daughter of Lan Yunxiao and Mu Lingbing?

In the case of the blue reliance, she did not have the possibility to live!

At the beginning, she could have directly married the life of the blue reliance, but she prefers to see the crowds such as Mu Lingbing have no way to seek help, and see their daughters dying.

Only in this way, this pain will be maximized.

In the eyes of Lan Borong, there is an incredible light shining. In this time, the red makeup of Baili suddenly mentions the blue sky, and it is definitely not accidental!

Lan Jing’s face was gloomy, and the scorpion, such as the venomous snake’s scorpion, also flashed a complex and hesitant light. He asked in a deep voice: “What do you mean by this?”

"The ability of the blue family to deceive people is really worthy of the name!

After the madman made the things that could not be called people, was this the elders with the blue family treated the blue cloud with a false face?

No wonder you can't sit in the position of the homeowner. If you really make this kind of person a homeowner, the whole blue family may have to become a dark power, right? ”

The red lips of the hundred-mile makeup evoke a voluptuous and ironic curvature. The original beautiful and refined face suddenly showed a strange fascination at this moment.

However, these words are like a knife smashing the heart of Lan Jing mad, making Lan Jing's mad face instantly gloomy as water, his eyes are even more terrible.

In this case, Lan Jing mad is only very familiar.

Just as the original Blue Hongtai refused to become the next owner of the Blue House, this is almost the same content, but it is also the most unwilling to accept it!

The expressions of the elders of the Blue House are all stagnation, revealing a few points and anger.

The original things are beyond the expectations of all of them, but in order to protect the colorful gods, it does not disappear, and they have no other way!

It’s a pity that even though they emphasize this reason, the scene in which all of them joined forces to block the blue cloud is actually there.

Lan Yunqi’s questioning and anger at the time, until now they still remember clearly.

He is such a person who loves the blue family, but at the end he has to take up arms to attack them.

The blue family fell, and the bodies of Lan Yunqi and Mu Lingbing were full of blood, and the eyes of the blue-eyed madman who were guarded by the elders.

It is an indescribable pain and unwillingness, from the deepest betrayal and hatred in the heart.

"You are crazy about this rude number, what are you talking about!"

Lan Jing mad right hand lifted, a wave of air directly hit the hundred-mile red makeup!

The waves of the air blew up the hair of the hundred-mile red makeup, and when it was about to fall on the red makeup of the hundred-mile, the Emperor Beibei suddenly shot.

With a gentle wave, the air wave disappeared into the invisible.

However, the face of Emperor Beibei is even colder.

"Is it angry?"

Baili red makeup taunted watching Lan Jing mad, sneer, "now Lan Lanyan wants to use this same means to deal with me, I am afraid it will not work.

After all, I don’t have the deep love for you, Blue Cloud, for you..."

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