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Baili red makeup looked at the sleepy Emperor Beibei, she can only hope that the effect of this ice and snow Shenglian is very outstanding, so that the emperor can be awake.

She had only seen a person with a curse body, and there was not much experience. The body of God’s Northern Sword was far more pure than the one she had seen in her previous life, so this effect is even more impossible to judge. It is.

However, as long as there is still a glimmer of hope, she must not give up.

In the next second, the hundred-mile red makeup will feed the lotus seeds of the ice lotus into the mouth of the emperor.

The entrance of the crystal-clear lotus seed became instant, and after entering the mouth of the emperor's north, it turned into a pure energy and poured into his limbs.

Baili red makeup has been guarded by Emperor Beibei, observing his changes.

However, Emperor Beibei still closed his eyes and there was no change.

Seeing the situation, Baili red makeup was originally full of anticipation, and it could not help but gradually sink down. It is hard to be such a horror that the body of this curse is so horrible, even the ice lotus can not change it half.

The three beasts were also arranged side by side at the bed of the emperor's beggars. After paying attention to this change, they could not help but reveal the color of disappointment. I did not expect this to be the result.

When the hundred-mile red makeup slept, only heard a gentle and familiar voice calling for himself.


That is the voice of Emperor Beibei.

The cheeks are uploaded with a warm touch, just as the emperor is stroking her cheek.

The consciousness of the hundred-mile red makeup gradually became clear, and after discovering that she had made such a dream, she did not want to open her eyes. She only wanted to indulge in a moment in such a dream.

Tears couldn't help but slip away from her eyes. She hoped that Emperor Beibei could still be with her, gently calling her lady, but unfortunately, Emperor Beibei fell into a coma.

If she can't find the two herbs, she may not hear such a voice anymore in the future, and she will not feel such a touch.

"Yose, what's wrong with you?"

The warm voice is a bit hoarse, more concerned and distressed.

The hundred-mile red makeup felt that the warm big hand wiped the tears from the corner of her eye, so the familiar and real feeling really made her feel happy.

Just, it feels... it seems a bit too real.

"Master, the emperor woke up!"

After the three beasts woke up, they couldn’t help but watch the Emperor Beibei. They didn’t see any reaction from Emperor Beibei last night. I didn’t expect to see the emperor’s wake up in a blink of an eye. This is really too much. People are surprised!

The red makeup of Baili feels that this feeling is too real, but I am afraid that I will not feel this feeling after I wake up, so I have been reluctant to open my eyes.

At the moment, when she heard the three beasts, she couldn't help but open her eyes. I saw that the emperor who had been sleeping was not sure when he had sat up. At this moment, he looked at himself with distress.

"Yose, don't cry."

The hundred-mile-red makeup looks at the figure in front of me. The handsome and familiar face is what she thought about this day and night, and he really woke up!

"North, you wake up!"

The eyes of the red makeup flashed with excitement, and the whole person was very excited.

Emperor Beibei nodded, and the look of the red makeup was full of distress.

"Yes, I woke up."

Listening to the words of Emperor Beibei, the tears of the hundred-mile red makeup are dripping like pearls. The ice-cold holy lotus has finally played a role, and the emperor has really woken up!

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