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After seeing Lan Yunqi and others heard the news and changed their attention, Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei also let go of their hearts.

The original tense atmosphere was dissipated, everyone was relieved, and everything was restored to the usual.

After making a good plan, Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei were not eager to leave. They only knew the existence of the Penglai Island, but they did not have any understanding. They did not even know the route to go.

Therefore, they must understand this before they leave.

Lan Yunqi and others have not put this matter aside for the past ten years, but have been inquiring about the effective news of Penglai Island.

If you change to an ordinary person and want to inquire about the news of the island of Penglai, it is absolutely impossible, but in the capacity of Lan Yunqi and others, it still has no problem.

Seeing Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei are very interested in this matter. Lan Yunqi and others have not concealed any news, but told them all the content they have learned.

In their view, Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei are genius-like characters, and they have been passed down to the abyss of blood. It is extremely normal to understand the abyss of the magic.

After they have been upgraded to a certain level, it is not a bad thing to smash the island of Penglai.

For Blue Cloud and Jade Lin, the trip to Penglai Island is not necessarily a bad thing.

However, Lan Yunqi and Mu Lingbing have not easily broken away from the previous torture, enjoying a short time, and have not yet planned to go.

What's more, the Blues have just fallen to the hands of Blue Cloud, and he is not suitable to leave.

In this process, Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei's understanding of the Penglai Island has gradually deepened, and the performance of the two on a daily basis has not caused everyone to have a bit of doubt.

Wen Ziran and Shangguan Yingying heard the news that Emperor Beibei had awakened shortly after returning to Yunjianzong, and suddenly they came over.

After seeing that Emperor Beibei had regained consciousness, Wen Ziran’s face could not help but reveal a thick smile. He reached out and punched the Emperor Beibei.

"Good boy! I know that you are so blessed, you will never fall down."

Having said that, Wen Ziran's eyes are a little red.

Emperor Beibei is his only brother, but there is such a thing. He was also worried about the previous one. Fortunately, the emperor has already revived.

Hearing the words, Emperor Beibei chuckled. "That is natural. When I grew up, I was not a big blessing?"

"Beibei, it’s great that you can wake up. It’s really worried that we are dead."

Shangguan Yingying breathed a sigh of relief. Before the emperor’s stunned into a coma, Wen’s emotions were always so bad that they could only be anxious, and there was no way at all.

"I heard about it when I came. I have suppressed your physique, and there will be no problem within ten years?" Wen Ziran could not help but ask, this news is more than what they think. It is so much better.

Emperor Beibei nodded. "That is natural. When our strength is improved, we are ready to go to the island of Penglai. If you are interested, you can go together."

Seeing the emperor's unbridled jokes, Wen Ziran was completely relieved.

"Don't say it, I am really interested in the island of Penglai. I must inform us when we are together, and we will all join the island of Penglai!"

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