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Seeing that the emperor’s attitude is so tough, Wen Ziran is not surprised.

In fact, they have known each other for so long, and they already have a deep understanding of each other's personality.

"You don't have to rush to reject me. I have already thought about this matter."

When you haven't been awake before, I and Ying Ying have returned to Yunjianzong, and I have already made plans to go to the island of Penglai.

Now that you have seen that you have woken up, this is undoubtedly the best. We will go together and be able to take care of each other. ”

"Although my strength is weaker than you are, at least the strength of our four people is much stronger than the two of you.

If you don't let me go with Yingying, then we won't look at the two of you so risky, how to decide, you should consider it yourself! ”

Wen Ziran hands around his chest, his face full of confidence.

Suddenly, Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei were also caught in a dilemma.

They did not expect to kill a Wen Ziran halfway, destroying their original plans, but Wen Ziran's approach made them feel a little warm.

"Where did you go to the island of Penglai, did your father agree?" The emperor couldn't help but ask.

This matter is no small matter. Wen Ziran is also the young master of Yun Jianzong. If he leaves easily, he has no small influence on Yun Jianzong.

Wen Ziran nodded. "Do you think that I went back to Yunjianzong to do something? Isn't it to discuss with my old man?"

However, after listening to Wen Ziran's answer, Emperor Beibei is indeed more puzzled.

"Uncle actually agreed to go with you?"

"What is the character of my old man? You don't have to see it. He thinks that young people should go out and sway. I have been staying at Yunjianzong for a week. He feels that I see it redundant. I heard that I am going to Penglai. Island, he doesn't mention how happy he is."

Wen Ziran shook his head helplessly, his face was full of emotions. Obviously, under the viciousness of Wen Zongzhu in these years, he was extremely helpless.

After hearing the dialogue between Emperor Beibei and Wen Ziran, Bailihong makeup also flashed a strange color in her eyes. She did not know that Wen Ziran’s father’s character was so strange.

"You don't have to think about it. My old man has been to the island of Penglai before. He has some understanding of the island of Penglai.

The reason why I and Yingying's repair did not reach the fifth stage of Zijin, but dared to go to the island of Penglai, naturally it was also granted by my old man.

He is so relieved of me, what are you worried about?

To be honest, even if this happened, my old man will definitely let me go to the island of Penglai to experience it. Instead of this, I might as well go with you, not only safe, but also more interesting. ”

Shangguan Yingying nodded in a row. "It is rare to have such a good opportunity. You should not think too much. Let's go together!"

As a young man, how can you not even fight hard? Do you dare to do this if you both dare to do this? ”

Emperor Beibei originally made up his mind to reject Wen Ziran, but after knowing that Wen Zongzhu actually agreed, his attitude has gradually changed.

Wen Ziran put his shoulder on the shoulder of Emperor Beibei. "Brother, go walking together, want to do so much? Now the time is not too late. If you continue to delay, you will be too late, and you don't want to be discovered by the lords." Let's go!"

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