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"Wen Gongzi is not aware of this." Gao Hanxia's face showed a simple smile of joy. "This first island is called Monkey Island. There are many golden phoenix monkeys living in it. This golden phoenix monkey The best thing is winemaking, so as long as the practitioners here pass through, they will find ways to get some monkey wine here.

It is said that these monkey wines are more mellow and more delicious than the savory jade that we tasted on weekdays.

When we were here, my older brother didn't ask us anything, just told us to remember to collect some monkey wine when passing this monkey island.

I don't know if you are not interested in this monkey island. If it is not interested, then we will not go to the island. ”

Gao Hanxia looked at the look of the four-person red makeup, and the appearance was clear. If there were only two of them, they must have been hesitant to go to Monkey Island, but now they are using the red makeup of the four hundred people. The ship, therefore, there is no reason to force the four-person red makeup to go together.

"I didn't expect this island to be so interesting. I have heard that some monkey-made monkey wines are very mellow, but they are rarely encountered on weekdays.

Since there is an opportunity now, I naturally have to see it. ”

Wen Ziran immediately came to interest. Although his alcohol consumption is not very good, he likes it too.

"It seems that Wen Gongzi is also a fellow!"

Seeing Wen Ziran agree, the smile on the faces of Gao Hanxia can't help but deepen.

There are no opinions on the three-person red makeup. In fact, they have been drifting for a long time at sea, and they really want to go ashore. Even if they just feel the touch on the ground, it is very good.

"The fighting power of this Jinjinghuaxue monkey is not bad. It is about to be repaired in the blue environment. It is more than enough to deal with our strength, but you should be careful when you go to the island.

Since the benefits of monkey wine have been discovered by everyone, people often come to Monkey Island to steal alcohol, so these Jinjing spotted monkeys have become smarter, and we are even more hated for those who steal alcohol. ”

Gao Hanxia touched his head and apparently felt helpless about the fact that he had to steal the monkey's wine.

Seeing this scene, a few people in the Baili red makeup couldn’t help but chuckle. "It seems that these Jinjingdians are very human, and they really have to see it for a while."

Soon, the boat landed on Monkey Island.

After the people disembarked, Wen Ziran took the boat into the Qiankun bag. The monkeys here are so human. If the boat is only on the shore, there may be no time.

As soon as I got ashore, Bailihong makeup and other people saw a lush scene. The trees here seemed to grow extraordinarily dense, and the smell of grass spread out. They passed into the nose of Bailihong makeup and so on, which made them feel very familiar. the taste of.

"The trees here seem to be basically fruit trees!" Shangguan Yingying was surprised to see the many trees in front of him, and the bright red peaches on the peach trees were very attractive.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai handed off a few peaches and handed them to the front of the hundred-mile red makeup.

The Bailihong makeup took the peaches and handed them to Emperor Beibei and others. As soon as they tasted, everyone was bright.

"The taste of this peach is really good." Wen Ziran's handsome face is full of smiles. "No wonder these monkeys can make monkey wine here."

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