Bewitching Prince Spoils His Wife: Genius Doctor Unscrupulous Consort

Chapter 2963: Apply oil to the soles of your feet!

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With the red makeup of the hundred miles, I was already panicked. The two men on the face of the earthquake helped me to show a satisfactory look.

They are also the helpers of the earthquake helper. If even the two newcomers are confused, will it be a shame to send them back?

At this moment, the two people do not want to be the red murderer. They may be the murderers they want to catch. They only think about how to maintain their face is the most important.

In this island of Penglai, there are many people with strength, but when it comes to this realm, the most important thing is the face of oneself. Others don't care, but this face has to be scrupulous.

Emperor Beibei’s face also showed a complex look, mixed with hesitation and fear, apparently for a moment to make up his mind.

"You really didn't lie to us? Is there really no problem with this medicinal medicine? You should not deliberately lie to us, and then want to control us with this means?"

I have heard that some forces are unable to recruit people, so I have used such despicable means to let others have no chance to refuse. You should not be such a person? ”

Emperor Bei’s suspicion of watching the two people in the earthquake, the eyes are full of taboo colors.

As soon as this was said, many practitioners in the surrounding tea houses frowned. They had never thought about this before. Now, listening to the reminder of Emperor Beibei, they are also coming back.

"Is this man's guess true? The earthquake has not been much better before, but it is only a growing number of gangs recruited in these two years, and the influence is getting bigger and bigger."

"The so-called brother who was killed should not be the gimmick that Gao Hanchun deliberately found. In fact, I want to use this method to recruit the gang?"

"If that's the case, then this is a perfect plan, and it's all in the dark!"

The two men of Zhentianbang couldn’t help but be dumbfounded after hearing the words of Emperor Beibei. Couldn’t they even think about themselves?

The most terrible thing is that after the emperor’s remarks, they all think that it is very reasonable to connect all these things together.

Feeling the gradual change of sight of everyone around, the two are almost dying, what are these things! The fact that they are in their hands is indeed a true heart. Isn’t it other medicine?

"Are you stupid kid stupid? What nonsense!" The lean man cursed.

He noticed that some people around him are getting closer and want to know what it is all about.

Although he is very sure that this is true Dan is not wrong, but I do not know why it is watched by so many people, he also has some guilty!

"You will eat it for me soon! Otherwise we will start!" The little fat man threatened that there was something wrong with the surrounding situation. Although the earthquake support was powerful, their headquarters was not on Emerald Island.

If the local forces of Emerald Island have doubts about them, then I am afraid that neither of them has any good fruit to eat.

Therefore, the only way for them is to let the emperor and the monk eat the true heart, and as a result, all the problems will naturally be solved.

Upon seeing it, there were a lot of helpless colors on the faces of Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei. "When you eat, eat."

The two slowly picked up the true heart from the hands of the lean man and prepared to take it.

The two people of Zhentianbang saw a hundred-year-old red makeup and they were relieved after obedient, and couldn’t help but look at the practitioners who were gradually approaching.

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