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With the wave of Lu Jiangang's hand, Deng Liang and Kang Wei ran out with a roll of climbing.

When they heard that the main person came in personally, the two men were already dead.

This incident even requires the helper to come out personally, which shows that the influence is far beyond their imagination.

The two suddenly became like crazy, and they rushed out quickly. If you can save your life, you have to see if they can catch the two guys before the arrival of the helper. Otherwise, there will be only one dead end.

Compared with the gloom of Deng Liang and Kang Wei, the situation of Baili Red Makeup and others is calm and calm.

The so-called most dangerous place is the safest place. This inn is the inn that Zhentian helped to search for the first time. Instead of going to other inns, it is better to stay here.

Other inns are now facing the same situation being searched, but the biggest trouble is the shelter of Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei.

The rooms of the two of them can't go back naturally. If they go to other inns at this time, they are easily suspected by others. Now they can only stay in the room of Wen Ziran.

However, for this, Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei are not in a hurry.

When the earthquake is coming back for a search tomorrow, they will leave as soon as they leave. Once they break into the ring of chaos, no one can find them.

All night, the actions of Zhentianbang did not stop. Almost all the practitioners lived in the inn, and all the appearances outside the inn belonged to the earthquake.

However, after all night, the Zhentian Gang did not find the figure of the two hundred red makeup.

The next morning, when Wen Ziran went downstairs to inquire about the news, he found that he did not see the figure of the gang to help the public. Even the figure outside the restaurant was gone. This unexpected calm could not help but let Wen Ziran frown. This situation seems to be something wrong...

"The earthquake is really not a small move. It is said that Gao Tianchun, the helper of the earthquake, came here personally today. This is not to catch the two and swear not to stop!"

"This time, the impact on the earthquake gang has been great. The earthquake gang wants to eliminate the impact and can only do this, but no one knows whether it is true or false. Anyway, I don't believe that the two guys are really murderers. ""

"Zhentian Gang is just trying to hide the head and ears through this name. I am very skeptical about whether the drug is true or not."

In the lobby, everyone has their own opinions. Although the earthquake has been very powerful recently, but now the people of Zhentian are not here. Everyone is naturally a joy to talk about.

Wen Ziran’s expression changed slightly after hearing the news, and he returned to the house.

"This incident even can't sit still in Gao Hanchun. It seems that the impact is really not small." Shangguan Yingying's pretty face was a touch of exclamation. "I thought it would take a long time to meet Gao Hanchun, I didn't expect it so fast." I have to meet."

"When Gao Hanchun came, this situation is probably a lot more complicated."

There was a bit of sorrow in Wen Ziran's eyebrows. The original situation did not make him too worried, but now Gao Hanchun personally came to prove that Emerald Island has become the focus of the earthquake.

The most important thing is that Gao Hanchun's ability to form such a small force on this island of Penglai is enough to see Gao Hanchun's ability and means.

He personally came, and it would be even more difficult for them to leave this Emerald Island.

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