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In front of the two people, the mouth is so loud, it is not easy to see the other party's background. Is it difficult for the other person to be a Penglai Hall?

If this is the case, then the two men will send the news back to the Penglai Hall, which is not good news for their earthquake helpers.

Although the current forces of Zhentian are not small, but in front of the Penglai Hall, that is nothing.

As long as Penglai Temple wants to destroy them, it is definitely not a difficult thing.

For a time, Lu Jian just looked at the two people and did not know what to continue to say.

Gao Hanchun also noticed the movement of Lu Jiangang. The look of the two-way red makeup was filled with a bit of suspiciousness.

"I don't know which force the two came from?"

Gao Hanchun slowly walked to the front of the hundred-mile red makeup, and the calm face was full of politeness, but the pair of scorpions shone with the essence that only he himself understood.

He has been in Penglai for so many years, and what kind of means have been seen, naturally it will not be scared by the simple two words of the other party.

The two hundred red makeup look at Gao Hanchun's look, and I already understand that this high Han Chun is not a fool. If you don't make it clear, I am afraid there is no way to leave.

Thinking about it, a hundred miles of red makeup suddenly emerged a force.

"Hundreds of flowers." Baili red makeup chin slightly lifted, when talking about Baihuamen, her face is full of pride and pride.

For other martial art, she doesn't know anything at all. Whether it is Penglai Hall or Chiyuezong, it is famous for its strength. With Emperor Beibei and her cultivation, it is completely exposed as soon as it is shot. It is this medicine. She still has some confidence.

Although she has not seen the medical skills of Baihuamen, she does not change her ancestry. She believes that there will be no problem with medical practice.

Hearing the three words of Baihuamen, Gao Hanchun and other people's faces are all changed, but this result is better than hearing the other from the Penglai Hall.

Lu Jiangang's face became very ugly, and he did not expect that he actually provoked the four forces.

Although the people of Baihuamen are not like the people of Penglai Hall and Chiyuezong, they do not know what to do, but among the four forces, the most unwilling to offend is the Baihuamen.

Because of the doctors of Baihuamen, there are many means, and the recruiting power is even more powerful.

"The original two are Baihuamen people, it is really disrespectful and disrespectful." Lu Jian just out of the air.

Gui Jun also walked to the side of the hundred-mile red makeup, looked at the two people in amazement, said: "Since the two are from Baihuamen, I wonder if I can show the tokens of Baihuamen?"

As soon as this was said, the faces of Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei were all cold, and the sharp eyes directly shot the Guijun.

"I don't know if we have a hundred-flowered door who still needs to show a token to a person who is a shouting gang in the district. You are too high to see you?"

The face of Emperor Beibei flashed a lot of dissatisfaction and anger, and his speech became more and more unkind.

Since they have already taken this step, they can only continue to install it.

The so-called tokens, they simply do not know what is a ghost thing, the only way now is to continue to hold on to the bottom.

The Guijun squatted on the emperor's north, which did not mean it. There was also a sigh of anger in the depths of the eye, but it was only because of the identity of the emperor.

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