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As the gang of Qinghong, Ye Lifei is very clear that the other forces have not found the trouble of Zhentian. So it is because the actions of Zhentian have not touched their interests, but once they really If the interests are touched, then all the forces will definitely stand up for the first time, and will definitely not give the earthquake a little chance.

"Just, it is not easy to sit down on this name. I have only heard of the medicinal herbs that control people's minds. There is no such thing." Ye Lifei frowned.

He knows that using this to attack the Tiantian gang is the best means of attack. It is probably cheaper than other forces because of the positive killing of the two gangs. This method is the least loss and the best.

Unfortunately, it is definitely not easy to do this.

At this time, Emperor Beibei, Wen Ziran and Shangguan Yingying were all laughing and looking at the hundred-mile red makeup. As early as before, Baili Red Make-up said that they would create some trouble for Zhentian. They still don’t know what Baili Red Make is. How to do it, now see the idea of ​​the hundred-mile red makeup, they have already understood.

"This leaf helper does not have to worry, I have the drug."

This plan, she has already been thinking about it, just relying on a few of them, at most can only have a certain impact on the reputation of Zhentianbang, and it is not enough to make the earthquake-ridden help pay a heavy price. The help of Hong Bang, this effect is not as simple as one plus one and two.

"Do you have such a drug?" Ye Lifei looked at the red makeup in amazement. This kind of drug is not so easy to get.

The red makeup nodded. "What we have to do now is to plant the blame, but if we want to make it all seamless, we need the help of the leaf helper."

"Emperor, you can rest assured that as long as you can pull down the earthquake, you have anything that we need to do with our gang, but it is fine." Ye Lifei patted his chest and solved the earthquake. This is what he wants to do most. The way that Baili Red Makeup and others can get along with this is undoubtedly helping him a lot. He can do it naturally.

"With Ye Gangzhu, then I can rest assured." Baili red makeup smiled.

Ye Lifei couldn't help but look at the four-person red makeup who had a tacit understanding. The heart was even more sighed. Perhaps the biggest mistake of Gao Hanchun was to chase them and make them feel a lot of trouble.

Now Gao Hanchun is ignorant of all this. If everything is really as good as the ones said, then Gao Hanchun should be completely dumbfounded.

Now, he no longer dares to take a nap to the four newcomers who came to Penglai Island. The usual newcomers are not afraid, but these four people are not comparable to ordinary people, but the magical skills of the colorful makeup are already very It’s awful, not to mention that they still have the medicinal herbs of those who control them.

If you want to come, no matter how much people are provoked, it is a huge trouble. Such people, whether they are looking for allies or others, will be much easier to do than ordinary people.

Ye Lifei couldn't help but rejoice. Fortunately, he and the Baili Red Makeup are allies rather than hostile. Otherwise, there is such an enemy's existence, which is really hard for people to sleep.

He is even more convinced that he must treat a few people with a hundred red makeup, because their future development may exceed his own expectations.

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