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Under such circumstances, the accuracy of betting on a few people with a hundred red makeup has improved a lot, but there are also losses and wins, but the overall calculation still wins more.

After all, once you win, you will be doubled. If you lose, you don't need to double it. As a result, their daily expenses can be solved.

However, this requires them to spend more time in the Fujian-Taiwan area. This is the place that makes them most dissatisfied. There is no way to improve it.

Because the four hundred people of the red makeup often go to the Fujian-Taiwan area, they have never participated in the competition, but just after choosing to place a bet, gradually many people have noticed them.

In the end, all four of them were labeled as poor ghosts.

In the magic tower, there is no practitioner who has earned Lingshi through this method, so everyone can judge it quickly, but there are not many people like this.

It was because of the default ghosts in everyone's eyes that everyone was too lazy to pay attention to the four hundred red makeup, which made them save a lot of trouble.

Because everyone looks down, no one is willing to take care of them, and naturally there are no contradictions and conflicts.

For this, the four hundred people in the heart of the red makeup are also quite helpless, really do not know whether to say good or not.

On this day, Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei ended the bet and slowly walked back to the second floor of the residential area from Huantai District.

During the walk, the two heard the conversation between the two.

"The healing medicine in the magical tower is too expensive, and the effect is not good. It is really troublesome."

"It is true that the price of medicinal herbs is much higher than that of the outside world. If it is not very rich, it will not be able to buy it often. What we can afford is the healing medicine.

However, the effect of this healing medicine is much worse than that of the medicinal medicine. If you spend your time on healing, it is a waste of time. ”

"There is no way, the price of everything in the magic tower is higher than the outside world. I prepared a lot of healing drugs before I came, but now I have run out. It is really troublesome to think about it."

Listening to the conversation between the two people, the red makeup of the hundred miles can not help but shine, and the mind suddenly gave birth to an idea.

Before she thought about selling medicinal herbs, it was just a matter of time to refine the medicinal herbs. It would be better to go to the spectator area to see the competitions. On the one hand, I learned more about the magic tower, on the one hand, I learned from other people’s fighting methods. Experience, there are certain benefits to the improvement of their own strength.

Now listening to the conversation between the two, she only remembered that she could not sell the healing remedy, as long as she sold the healing medicine.

Although the healing remedies and the healing drugs are used for the treatment of the wounds, the healing medicinal herbs are produced by the refining pharmacists. It takes a lot of time and the effect is good, but the price is also very high.

The healing medicine is configured by the doctor, and it takes a short time. The effect is not as good as the healing remedy, but the price is lower.

However, Bailihong makeup is a **** doctor, she has a lot of healing drugs, and the effect is also good.

She can make a healing medicine that is comparable to the healing remedy. The price is cheaper than the medicinal medicine, and the production speed is also very fast.

In this way, they can save more time to practice.

Although the Baili red makeup did not speak, but the emperor's dawn is taking her look, she has already judged that she has her own thoughts in the heart of the red makeup. Otherwise, she will not be so excited, and suddenly she will smile a little.

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