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Since the use of Lingshi by the four hundred red makeup, they discovered the beauty of Lingshi.

The spirits filled with Lingshi are extremely rich and pure, although some impurities need to be removed during absorption, but this is much faster than the absorption of forces from the outside air.

If the whole day of cultivation uses Lingshi, their cultivation speed will be three times or even four times that of the previous ones. In addition, the strength of the magic tower is also stronger than the outside world, making them The speed of cultivation is also greatly enhanced.

However, their biggest problem is that no Lingshi has been supporting their cultivation, so even if they exchange a certain spiritual stone in the Putian District, they still have to be very frugal on weekdays, because the Lingshi of this Yongtai District wants The cultivation that supports them is still not enough.

Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei practice in the Sea World. Although they are in combat for a long time, the time in the Sea World is longer than the outside time, so they consume more spiritual stones than Wen Ziran. Shangguan Yingying has to be a lot more.

Under such circumstances, they can only save the Lingshi, and it is impossible to think of using Lingshi to exchange for a more comfortable place.

Since the delivery of the healing medicine to the counter, the Baili Red Maket has not received any news from the counter. On this day, Bailihong makeup can not help but go to the counter again.

The woman in front of the counter is still a sweet dream. After seeing the red makeup coming, the sweet dream's face is also showing a touch of color. Obviously, I have already guessed the meaning of the hundred-mile red makeup.

"Emperor, your healing medicine I have already sold it for you, but no one is interested. I advise you to take it back directly. I am afraid that this healing medicine will not be sold." Sweet dreams open the door to see the mountain road .

When she handed over the healing medicine to her for sale, she had already expected such a situation. Until now, half a month has passed, but no one cares at all. She felt a bit ridiculous at the moment.

Listening to the sweet dream, the brow of the red makeup was wrinkled quietly, but she did not expect that this would be the case, and she never succeeded.

She has enough confidence in the effectiveness of her own healing medicine. She believes that as long as someone buys a healing medicine, she will find the benefits. Unfortunately, the healing medicine she has put out is obviously not visible to anyone.

However, this is also understandable. After all, she is just a normal practitioner living on the second floor, not a physician. Anyone who is a changer will probably not think that there will be any good baby on her poor ghost.

Not waiting for the hundred-mile red makeup to talk, Sweet Dreams has already taken out the ten bottles of healing medicine that she sold her in her. It seems that she has no interest in continuing to help the sale of medicinal herbs.

"You take it!"

When the voice falls, sweet dreams are not looking at the red makeup, but just look down on the matter and handle things.

Taking advantage of the sweet dream, the red makeup was never put in my heart, and then said: "Trouble you continue to help me sell this medicine, but..."

The red dreams have not finished, the sweet dreams have already frowned, and the face has a strong impatience.

"I'm still not clear enough? It's been half a month. Your healing medicine is not of interest to anyone. Keeping it here is just a waste of time. If you want to exchange for Lingshi It's better to take some more useful things to sell."

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