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Sweet Dream took the Qiankun bag in the hands of the hundred-mile red makeup, and after slightly glanced at the number of healing drugs in the Qiankun bag, she could not help but exclaimed, "So much?"

Baili red makeup smiled lightly. "I think these healing drugs should be enough."

Sweet dream nodded. "Then I will sell it."

"Thank you."


After the sweet dream left, the four hundred red makeup people could not help but look at each other, and then could not help but laugh together.

"It seems that this God is still on our side." Shangguan Yingying chuckled. "It is so funny. We just made so many healing medicines last night, and we just sold it today."

"When the healing medicine is sold out, the effect of our face-lifting has already been reached. Presumably Lu Mingxu should be very unhappy now." Wen Ziran said with a smile.

Emperor Beijun’s face is also filled with a faint smile. “Speaking of it, we really want to thank Lu Mingxu for helping us to make a name, otherwise the people who don’t care about the tower will not pay attention to us.”

"You are really bad enough." Wen Ziran erected a thumbs up. "However, I think so, haha."

"The light is three thousand pieces of Lingshi is enough for us to practice in the sea world for a while, taking advantage of this opportunity, we must break through the fourth stage of purple."

The red makeup of the hundred miles slowly sounded, and the urgent needs of Lingshi have been solved, and they can also improve their repairs with peace of mind.

Lu Mingxu’s mood in these two days was very good. His threats made him understand his position in the magic tower. No one dared to offend him. It was really good.

The practitioner on the second floor is also acquainted. If he dares to stand up and provoke himself, then he will certainly make the other party's life more difficult.

However, today, Lu Mingxu just walked out of the door and saw everyone looking at him with a very strange look. Unlike the awe of the previous two days, it seems that there is a bit of ridicule?

This discovery made Lu Mingxu feel very unhappy. No one has ever dared to look at him with such a gaze on weekdays. What happened?

Lu Mingxu went to understand the specific situation at the first time. After knowing the truth of all this, Lu Mingxu’s face could not help but become a pig liver color.

"This **** Xiao Yihan! He is deliberately going to do it with me!"

Lu Mingxu smashed the cup into the ground, his face full of anger.

Originally, he still thought that Xiao Yihan had been stopping for two days. It was not bad to come to trouble. I didn’t think Xiao Yihan actually gave him this today. This is playing his face!

According to the information he has learned, there are already many people who are going to buy healing medicine. He only feels that he has been in the magic tower for so long, and his face has never been so painful!

The healing medicine of the hundred-mile red makeup was quickly sold out, and many practitioners also spoke awesome words after personally trying the effect of the hundred-mile red makeup healing medicine.

The effect is real and visible. At least the practitioners who buy the healing medicines feel that they are worth the money. In the future, they don’t need to spend a lot of money to buy healing pills.

Nowadays, those who have the guts to buy this healing medicine are all practitioners with higher status. They are naturally very convincing when they say it.

For a time, everyone was more certain that the healing drugs sold on the 18th floor of the second floor were extremely effective.

Almost all the practitioners began to feel the heart, just forced by Lu Mingxu's arrogance or not to act.

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