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"The treasure master is probably anticipating this final result, so I dare not come now."

"It is also said that in order to save the flying tiger in the position of the magic tower, if you really lose to the 18th, I am afraid he himself can not accept this result."

"I think that the 18th is a rising star. I don't lose to Chu Feihu in terms of her current strength, and there is no such thing as Chu Feihu's old-fashioned old man.

We always can't buy enough healing medicine in the magic tower. It is not that Chu Feihu deliberately made it, or that the 18th is relatively simple and more appetizing to me. ”

Everyone has different opinions, and each has different ideas, but everyone is looking forward to the final result today. There must be one person on both sides to leave the magic tower.

Not long after, Chu Feihu appeared with a group of refining pharmacists and physicians. Compared with the arrogance that appeared a month ago, Chu Feihu apparently had a bad mood today, and his face was tight.

"Storage Master, you are here." Qin Guanji smiled and said hello.

Chu Feihu nodded faintly, and he did not want to pay attention to the smile of Qin Guan.

He feels that the reason why he will fall into this situation has a lot to do with Qin Guanshi. If he can buy people before the arrival of the January period, then it will not be a problem to turn this all over, but Qin Guan suddenly stopped. This practice naturally caused his unhappiness.

He even felt that this matter is likely to be the result of the combination of Baili Red Makeup and Qin Guanwu, because only then can it be explained.

Seeing that Feifeihu does not buy his own account, Qin Guanwu does not care. Anyway, today, Feifeihu will leave the magic tower, and in the future, it should not be necessary to see the old guy’s arrogant face.

"Since everyone has come, let's start voting now!" Qin Guanshi waved his hand, sweet dreams and several staff members immediately lifted the voting board.

"I hope that all practitioners can vote according to the specific effects of this fusion, not to vote indiscriminately because of their own emotions." Before the vote, Qin Guanxi could not help but remind him.

Listening to the words of Qin Guanshi, the sarcasm in the eyes of Chu Feihu can not help but be more intense. He understands that Qin Guanshi wants to kick him away by this opportunity. However, he will never let Qin manage his wish. He is The status of this magic tower has long been ingrained, and even if Qin Guan wants to kick him away, it is not an easy task.

Xiao Yihan took the lead in casting the ticket to the hundred-mile red makeup. He has always been frank, and to be honest, the effect of the red-filled makeup of the hundred-mile red makeup is really good.

After seeing Xiao Yihan’s first vote, everyone’s look couldn’t help but become more and more exciting. From the famous healing medicine of Baili’s makeup, it’s always inextricably linked with Xiao Yihan, but everyone has never seen it in the weekdays. There is any connection between Xiaohong and Xiao Yihan. Even if they are standing near the counter, there is no eye contact. It is really strange.

After Xiao Yihan voted, other practitioners also began voting.

"Get a ticket on the 18th!"

"The treasure master got a vote!"

"The treasure master got a vote!"

"Get a ticket on the 18th!"

"Get a ticket on the 18th!"

Whenever a practitioner voted, Sweet Dreams read the result.

At this moment, whether it is a hundred miles of red makeup or Chu Feihu, this result is of particular concern.

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