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Baili Red Makeup and others have been waiting for the news of Qin Guanshi. So far, Qin Guanshi is their greatest hope.

However, after waiting for a few days, I did not get results, and everyone’s mood was somewhat complicated.

At this time, sweet dreams came over and said: "Imperial son, I heard that Qin Guan sent people to inquire about the whereabouts of the tears of the cold, but the results did not seem to be good."

Before the hundred-mile red makeup, please sweet dreams and pay more attention to the whereabouts of the tears of the cold, sweet dreams have always been paying attention to the movement of the auction house, but there are many things in the auction of Jin Yan auction house, but she has never seen it before. Tears of cold.

This time I heard that Qin Guanzi helped send people to inquire about the tears of the cold. Sweet dreams are also very concerned about this news.

Listening to the words of sweet dreams, the hearts of the four hundred red makeup are all sinking. This is undoubtedly a very bad news. If even Qin can't find the tears of cold in the island of Penglai, then they are four people. The power, it is really difficult to get to the sky.

Taking advantage of the changing face of the four-person red makeup, Sweet Dreams continued to say: "However, after the person who inquired about the news came back, Qin Guanshi himself packed up the things and left the magic tower. He also explained to us before he left. Leave it for a while, and wait for him to come back and deal with it."

"So, Qin Guan is going out and looking for it personally?" Shangguan Yingying asked.

Sweet dream nodded. "It should be. I have been in the magic tower for so many years. I saw the Qin Guan thing for the first time and went out to look for things. Most of the time, the Qin management is staying in the magic tower, you need to do it. Everything is also told to go down and do it. This time, Qin Guanwu personally went out, I think there should be no problem."

Although I don’t know what the four people need to do in the tears of the cold, but sweet dreams also know that this thing must be extremely important to them, otherwise it will not look for Qin Guanzhi to find, she only hopes that Baili red makeup four People can find it successfully.

The four hundred red makeup eyes looked at each other, and the originally sinking heart rekindled a glimmer of hope.

"I hope that the Qin management can be useful in person, otherwise it will be a blue sky for us." Baili red makeup sighed, and now Qin management is their hope.

Sweet dreams smiled slightly. "With the ability to manage things with Qin, there should be no problems. You can rest assured."

After the sweet dreams left, the faces of the four hundred red makeups did not have a bit of joy, but the opposite was a bit heavy.

"This incident actually requires Qin to personally go out. It seems that this is really not difficult." Wen Ziran’s eyes sparkled with thoughts. If it is easy, the inquiring person may have brought tears of coldness now. came back.

The emperor’s dawn was slight and slowly said: “Since Qin’s choice is to go out personally, it proves that the tears of the cold are in the island of Penglai, but the other party is not willing to take it out.”

"Yes, as long as the tears of coldness exist, we have at least some hope."

The black and white phoenixes are full of deep and complicated light, and the colorful feelings of the hundred miles are extremely complicated. Once Qin Guanwu can't find this cold tear, then they want to solve the symptoms of the emperor. It’s hard to go to heaven...

However, they are not willing to say this.

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