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"Little sister?"

This is not only Di Weng, but other practitioners present have also stunned. How have they never heard of Yan Yan and a younger sister?

Ye Haozhen also looked at Yan Yan with amazement, and he never heard about Yan Xiao’s story about Xiao Shimei.

"When you are finished, if you want to lie to us, you have to say a good point. We never know that you still have a little sister."

"You are not a locust in my stomach. Naturally, I don't know much about my affairs." The end of Yan Yan's look is cold. "My little sister has only recently met with me. She saw me without my inscription." Draw a picture."

"Oh..." Di Weng has a long voice, and the sarcasm is obviously obvious. "Then your little sister is really not good for you. If you know what you are missing, you will be sent to you, but one. The inscriptions drawn from the lower-level teachers and sisters, I am afraid there is more garbage and more garbage?"

With the words of Di Wenxi falling, the face of Wan Yan's face suddenly changed, and the deep eyelids flashed a stern color.

This is a gift from Xiao Shimei, no matter what the effect of this inscription, but this is the heart of this, it is very precious for him, how can I let Di Wenxi trample this way!

"My inscription is good or bad, it is my business, I like it."

It’s you, Di Weng, you keep saying that my inscription is not good enough. As far as I know, your inscription does not seem to be asked by the Master of Inscriptions.

It’s hard to be... you are looking for an inscription apprentice, so this time I care about me so much? ”

Wan Yan's lips and corners squirmed a sneer arc, and he always retreated, but this time, he did not want to continue to retreat.

Although after coming to the upper class, there was a time when he was inferior to these people because of his birth.

However, he is also a genius in the lower class. Why can't he stand here?

Now that he can replace Divin's position, hasn't that already proved himself?

The smile of Di Wenyu, who was still ridiculing the end of Yan Yan, suddenly solidified, and the ridiculous eyes gradually began to pick up, with a little more sharpness and anger.

"Well, you are calling me with me?"

Di Wen's voice slammed down, the meaning of jokes disappeared, and more threats.

"From beginning to end, you are both looking for me. If you think so, then it is.

After all, haven't you always heard what other people have said? ”

As soon as this was said, Di Wen’s right foot was suddenly on the ground, and his eyes were cold and hail. “According to your opinion, my inscription is not comparable to yours?”

"What kind of junk inscriptions you have drawn by your **** sisters, you dare to compare them with me!

We have the ability to compare! Let you know clearly how much **** your inscriptions are, just like you, it is rubbish! ”

Di Wenxi took out the weapon directly, and his eyes flashed with raging anger. Obviously, today, he will not give up on the end of Yan Yan.

"You are the garbage."

The end of the sound is cold, the eyes are cold, the mans are like a blade, sharp and cold.

Ye Haozhen and others looked at the Yan Yanzhen strangely. They have been very low-key on weekdays. How suddenly changed their temper today?

A group of Di Wenzhao also wondered, I thought that Yan Yanzhen was a soft egg, and I didn’t expect it to suddenly get harder today.

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