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"Replace it."

When this is said, not only is Zhong Lei, but even the otter is unbelievable. Who is this guy who is guts?

If you kill the consul and change it to another place, you have to lose your life. This guy is good, but he has not thought that he will be punished. On the contrary, he wants to replace it.

How can such a cheap thing happen in the world?

"You are very comfortable with this self-comfort." The watery lips twitched, and I thought that I had to learn from this guy. Maybe I was comforted myself. It was really Taishan collapsed before it changed color. .

"Thank you."

Otter: "..."

In the end, where is the strangeness to find out, so confident, it does not care what others are saying.

"You have such a great reputation in the mine, is this kind of temper?"

"To tell the truth, do your best." Emperor Beibei raised his eyebrows. "Isn't this what the mine teaches?"

The otter was smashed back by the words of the emperor, and the **** mine did say so, but how many people actually did this?

When the average person said this, she felt very hypocritical. After the boy said it, she actually felt that there was some truth. Is this really true?

After all, in front of them, this kid is too real.

When Zhong Lei was stunned by the water, he was fooled by the words of the North, and there was some helplessness in his heart.

He understands that this kid must have his own card, otherwise it will not be so confident.

In fact, this whole thing is carefully said, as long as the emperor has a brain, it is indeed able to rid the responsibility of the blame, but the deputy cabinet owner is not as good as the otter.

When you can suddenly live, you have to look at yourself.

Baili red makeup sat quietly, squinting at this scene, and my heart was quite funny.

The consul of the mining mine is quite simple. Among the two of them, the water is undoubtedly not complicated, otherwise it will not be a confused look at this moment.

As for Zhong Lei, this person should be a smart person, seeing through and not wearing it, at least not hostile to them.

Such as the character of the otter, in the chaotic fairyland it is absolutely impossible to have the status of today, the conspiracy calculations in the chaotic field can always calculate her.

Perhaps because the crossing of the fairyland is closed, the competition is simply not outside.

Two days later, the flight instrument landed.

After the two hundred people dressed in the flying instruments, they immediately noticed the magnificent building in front of them.

The black building is majestic and spectacular, exuding the amazing momentum. At first glance, it looks like a mountain, and the momentum is compelling.

On the plaque in the middle of the center, I wrote the words of the mine.

This building is much more magnificent than any building they have seen before.

The mine mine pavilion, really worthy of the first organization of the ferry field.

At the moment, there are also some pedestrians coming and going in the mine mine. These people also nodded when they saw Zhong Lei and looked at the emperor. Although they had some doubts, no one asked too much. .

Although there are quite a few pedestrians, they are still rare and empty compared to this terrible area.

The Baili red makeup looked at the building and was shocked to discover that the building was actually made of a stone.

Think about the difficulty of mining in the weekdays, and compare it to this amazing building, she even sighs, it really is rich.

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