Even though this tree looks like every forest is like this, but she still recognizes that this is the desert forest!

The beautiful face of the city is slowly filled with a smile, and the red makeup looks at the familiar scene. A kind of unspeakable joy spreads in my heart.

This feeling made her unconsciously think of the scene when she first came to the abandoned forest. At that time, everyone just came to the abandoned forest from the upper level, and did not understand everything about Xianyu.

Fortunately, their luck was good enough. Once they met the flower mother-in-law, everything that happened after that was quite smooth.

When I think about it, they have seen a lot of troubles while practicing this road, but they have also met many good people.

If not, they will be more difficult on this road.

Thinking of this, Baili red makeup subconsciously glanced at the ring in his hand, and the amazement in his heart was stronger.

If it weren't for the ring of chaos, her life would be very different from the present, and a ring changed her life.

The most important thing is that it has been so long, she has not figured out the true origin of the ring of chaos, even the original owner does not know.

It was like a pie suddenly hitting her head one day, because of the chaos of the chaos, her cultivation of the world has been greatly helped.

Nowadays, her strengths make her feel amazed, but she can't help but wonder who is this powerful ring?

"Master, what are you thinking about?" Xiao Hei saw a hundred red makeup suddenly fell into silence, could not help but ask.

Hearing that the red makeup of Baili has come back, he smiled and said: "I haven’t been back for a long time, and my mother-in-law should be here."

"Mother-in-law did not intend to stay in the abandoned forest before?" Xiaohe chuckled. "In my opinion, they should not go anywhere else."

The Baili red makeup daggers lightly. "Let's go and see, my mother-in-law will be surprised to see us coming back."

I clearly said that I would come back when I had the chance, but I didn’t expect that everything happened after I went to Xianyu.

It took a lot of time to get a firm foothold at first, and then I finally got a foothold, but what happened was even more confusing.

Nowadays, because of Beibei's affairs, their situation has become more difficult. No one knows what will happen in the future.

Although she doesn't know much about the devil world for a while, she has a strong sense of hunch and it will never be simple.

Otherwise, Yunxiao will not suddenly say something like that to her...

Nowadays it is like the approaching before the storm, no one knows when this storm will appear, and can only enjoy the temporary calm.

In order to face the future of **** hurricanes, the only thing they can do is to upgrade their own strength as soon as possible, and more self-protection, the possibility of success will be greater.

Soon, the red makeup reached the residence of the seniors.

Looking at the familiar courtyard in front, her face slowly smiled.

After seeing it for so long, everything here has not changed much, except for some subtle places where there are signs of renovation and repair, others are like the scene when they left.

When she walked to the door of the courtyard, she saw the herbs in the yard.

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