At the beginning, she had already told Tian Qing that she was almost certain that there must be a connection between Tian Qing and Hua Luo.

Nowadays, there is such a thing. The location is at the entrance of the Yaoyuan battlefield of Mingyao College. The poison is so similar. It is impossible to think of Hualuo.

Jane 浣 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼

"Red makeup, can you have ideas?"

She has studied this poison, it is a very complicated toxin, this toxin with a few characteristics makes her unconsciously think of a person... flower mother-in-law.

In the early years, she had been exposed to the poison of her mother-in-law, which was felt when she analyzed it that year.

Even if there are many kinds of poisons that the flower mother-in-law is good at, each one is so difficult to crack.

If not, it will not be called the medical sage.

Her medical skills and poisonous techniques are at their peak, and no one in this whole fairyland can compare with it.

However, this kind of thing she can definitely not be done by her mother-in-law.

The flower mother-in-law has long disappeared for many years. For a long time, there has been no movement, and she has not participated in anything, let alone such a despicable thing.

This is what reminds her of the biggest possibility - Hualuo!

Flower mother-in-law can't do such a thing, but it is too possible!

Hualuo had a bad heart and was extremely despicable. Although not everyone knew it, it still revealed some news.

Baili red makeup nodded, "President, give me this poison."

With the woman's voice falling, not only is the simple crepe, but the presence of several instructors has a thick and strange color.

They have been studying for a while, and there is no point in thinking at all. However, just after the arrival of Bailihong makeup, just diagnosed the pulse for several students, even said that this matter was handed over to her?

Is her medical skill so much better than everyone?

"Do you really have confidence?" asked Jane.

The red makeup of Baili smiled slightly, and the color of self-confidence flowed between the eyebrows. "I may not have such confidence in the poison of others, but the speed of this can not be a problem."

The appearance of Jane's yarn is also showing the color of peace of mind. It seems that her judgment is not wrong. The red makeup and her judgment are generally the same.

Before she knew that red makeup followed the flower mother-in-law to learn medicine, it was the second disciple of the flower mother-in-law except Hualuo.

She was also extremely shocked when she first learned the news. After all, the flower mother-in-law disappeared for many years, and many people wanted to find her trace without any news, and the red makeup turned out to be the disciple of the flower mother-in-law.

As a result, this poison does have the hope of cracking.

The poison of the flower mother-in-law is naturally the best understanding of their department. It may take a few days and nights for them to solve the problem. It does not take much effort to red makeup.

There was no delay in the red makeup of the hundred miles. At this moment, students are constantly falling into a coma.

Although the time of this poisoning episode is not immediate, it is not long.

If you can't make the antidote as soon as possible, the number of fallen students will be amazing.

Everyone saw only a hundred miles of red makeup must seriously begin to analyze the ingredients in this poison, one after another, she was constantly recorded, and the results were quickly analyzed by her.

The whole process is actually very fast, she seems to have long understood this.

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