Baili Hongzhuang noticed that the two Beibei were still recovering, and she rushed straight up!

She promised that her mother-in-law would kill Hualuo, and now this woman has finally appeared, she will not let the other party have the chance to escape!

Hualuo noticed that the Emperor Beibei didn't seem to make any shots, and only Baili Hongzhuang rushed up, and she was naturally unhurried.

She knows the strength of Baili Hongzhuang, Liupinjing is really good, but it is obviously not enough to kill her with such strength.

The two men stood in front of Bailihongzhuang, and the two men holding the sword also never put Bailihongzhuang in their eyes.

"Get away!"

Baili Hongzhuang Yuanli suddenly burst out!

At the moment when Yuanli broke out, the two men looked like they were seeing a ghost, and their expressions became extremely frightened.

What terrible strength is this?

Even the couple of Emperor Beibei did not give them such a terrible feeling!

However, Baili Hongzhuang didn't give them time to think at all. A terrible jianman flashed, and two figures were directly cut off by her sword!

The strength of Baili Hongzhuang, which Hua Luo did not expect at all, was terrible to such a state, and the two of them were almost solved by cutting each other like tofu without any delay.


Hua Luohan's hair exploded, and the threat of death shrouded her. She knew that if she didn't run this moment, she would die!

Tian Qing was frightened by the momentum of Baili Hongzhuang, turned around, and ran to the loopholes behind him.

Baili Hongzhuang naturally did not give the two a chance to leave, and Yuanli surged out, directly suppressing the two's pace.

At the same time, the restored Emperor Beibei directly controlled Hualuo and Tianqing.

"Red makeup, promotion is not a little bit."

There was a hint of wonder in Mo Yunxuan's eyes. Even if she had known that Hongzhuang had been to the **** world, he did not expect that her strength would improve so quickly.

Bailihongzhuang smiled slightly, "You are so strong, I can't hold back."

Emperor Beibei and Mo Yunxi: "..."

What if they awakened part of their strength? Red makeup is now stronger than them.

"Sister, you still fall on my hands." Bailihongzhuang sneered.

Hua Luo's face suddenly became extremely ugly. She did not expect that the strength of Baili Red Makeup would be so terrible, which was completely different from what she had learned before.

She could not help looking at Tian Qing, who clearly told her that Baili Hongzhuang was Liupinjing, but at the moment when she shot, was that Liupinjing capable of fighting?

"What do you want?" Hua Luo said coldly.

"I promised Master." Bailihong makeup frowned, "Clean the portal!"

Hua Luo was not surprised by this result, "I didn't expect that the old lady's luck was really good, and she could still receive such an apprentice."

"You deceive the teacher and destroy your ancestors, and betray the teacher's door. This deserves it."

Baili Hongzhuang looked indifferent. When she heard everything Hualuo did, she felt that this woman was heart-wrenching. Seeing today, she must have deceived her mother-in-law with such an ordinary face before she let her fall. Learn from each other.

"Where's the old lady to survive?" Hua Luo chuckled coldly.

Baili Hongzhuang didn't bother, she listened to her and said, "I haven't found her for so long after searching in Xianyu. The hiding time is really amazing ..."


Baili Hongzhuang slaps directly in the past.

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