The breakthrough process of Emperor Beibei lasted for a long time, and the Yuanli near the entire Wangyun Peak was almost absorbed.

After Gu Ji noticed this change, his eyes couldn't help but be surprised.

"Which one broke through? It's too amazing to have absorbed so much power."

Ji Yue was also lost in thought, "Don't you forget Yunxun Jun?"

"No way?"

Gu Zhi's eyes widened, Master's strength was unpredictable, and he didn't know what kind of cultivation he was.

"I haven't felt the opportunity for Master to make a breakthrough for so many years. It seems that even if Master really wants to make a breakthrough, it seems that he is not forgetting Yunfeng?"

According to his understanding, there are other places for Master ’s retreat, and he will not stay at Wang Yunfeng.

"Who else can that be?" Yue Yue asked, "It seems there is no such movement for others to break through."

"makes sense."

Gu Shui was confused, and until he returned to his residence, feeling that the huge energy had gathered around this, he could not help but widen his eyes.

His gaze couldn't help but fall on Xiaoshimei's residence, because the center of Yuanli's convergence was exactly Xiaoshimei's house.

Obviously, Xiaoshimei has already broken into the realm of God, and will not break through so soon.

In this case, there is only Beibei.

But isn't Beibei planning to break into the realm of God?

Who will have such a big movement when breaking through into the realm of God? This is too scary, right?

Gu Ji's dumbfounded eyes, there is no other possibility to think about it, but he knows that the greater the movement of this breakthrough means the stronger the opponent's strength.

Doesn't this mean that the future potential of Beibei will be very scary?

"Small Shimei really has an extraordinary vision, so she will make a breakthrough at Beibei. It will not be easy in the future ..."

Gu Jishen was sighed. It seemed that he had thought of something. He even started to cultivate in the courtyard of Xiaoshimei.

This is a good opportunity to promote cultivation. Yuanli's absorption speed is almost faster than cultivation with spirit stones.

Baili Hongzhuang only felt that a steady stream of strength was poured into her body quickly, and she had filled her Dantian unconsciously.

However, Yuanli did not stop instilling it, and continued to integrate into the body.

Finally, the Yuanli in Dantian expanded again, and the capacity of the entire Dantian also expanded.

Into the second grade!

Baili Hongzhuang was so happy that she did not expect that her strength broke through with the gap that Beibei broke through!

After a successful breakthrough, she did not stop there, but quickly took out all the spiritual stones harvested in the past two days and put them in the house.

Under this powerful attraction, the energy in the spirit stone was also continuously absorbed by them, until the energy in the body no longer fluctuated, and then Bailihongzhuang showed satisfaction.

However, just as she was about to get up, a picture suddenly appeared in her mind.

Under the misty mist, under the linden tree.

A white woman stared at her seriously, "Sister, are you sure you want to do this?"

"I have decided." The woman looked resolutely. "Sister, I'm sorry everyone, but I have decided, you don't have to stop me."

The woman in white watched her for a moment, and then she said, "I support you."

She whispered, "How come?"

"I, like you, have a loved one, but can't be together because of status."

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