Yu Chen's gaze also fell on Pu Wenli's body. He also did not quite understand what Pu Wenli did today.

Before, he always knew that Pu Wenli's character was rather arbitrary, but it was harmless as long as it was not excessive, after all, it had nothing to do with him.

Since then, she seems to have become more and more excessive.

Pu Wenli looked at Yu Chen subconsciously, only to find that Yu Chen was also looking at her. The sight of Zhong Ping was not a familiar look, but she was totally puzzled, and she suddenly felt a little stunned, and a bad feeling spread Come on.

This Ling Wei is really amazing. She deliberately said such a thing in front of Yu Chen to show how bad she was.

"I didn't do anything, except that Xue Yi wanted to come and see after hearing the reputation of Baili Hongzhuang. What is it with me?" Pu Wenli said.

Gao Xueyi did not know Ling Wei, but from the situation where Baili Hongzhuang stood with her, she knew that the relationship between the two was very good.

At the same time, after hearing her words, she also knew that the relationship between Pu Wenli and Baili Hongzhuang was far more simple.

"I did hear about Baili Hongzhuang's reputation, and I was very interested, so I wanted to meet some people." Gao Xueyi said.

When Ling Wei heard this, she couldn't help laughing, "I'm afraid I don't want to know that simple?"

Gao Xueyi's expression clearly came to hit the scene, and now she could even say that she was only here to meet friends.

No wonder these two people can become friends, at least the thickness of the cheeks is the same, it is really impossible for ordinary people to do this.

"I'm too lazy to argue with you and waste time!"

Gao Xueyi flicked her sleeves, and a person like Ling Wei who had never seen her say anything more than a self-descended identity.

If it's really arguing, it's her who spreads the joke.

Baili Hongzhuang followed Qionghua Fairy's body and later came to several masters. She noticed that Meng Yao was also here.

When Meng Yao saw her, a smile appeared on her face, and she responded with a smile.

"This girl is the Bailihong makeup I told you." Fairy Qionghua introduced to several people with joy, "This is the best seed I have found in this time.

Her accomplishments in alchemy really stunned me, she was a rare genius. "

Several masters and Qionghua Fairy were obviously very familiar with each other, and now they could not help laughing at the excitement.

"Qionghua, for so many years, this is the first time to see you so excited, it seems that this is indeed an amazing seedling."

"That's natural. You don't know that I've improved on alchemy because she gave me a lot of inspiration recently."

Qionghua Fairy did not have the dignity and solemnity of an elder in front of a few of her friends. She seemed extremely peaceful and praised Baili Red Makeup even more.

"Girl Baili, let me introduce. This is Han Weixian Jun, this is Ji Lanxian, and this is Tianlu Xianjun."

Baili Hongzhuang always gave a gift to the three of them. The three looked at Bai Lihong's well-behaved appearance, and the satisfaction appeared in their eyes.

"This little friend knew that it was very good at first glance, but I heard that she was a disciple of Yunxun Jun." Fairy Ji Lan couldn't help it.

"Yeah!" Qionghua Fairy sighed. "I didn't find such a good seed. Instead, it made her forgotten by Yunxian Jun. It's a pity that I have recently."

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