Baili Hongzhuang and his party have returned to their residence after the alchemy contest. What happened today is really eye-opening.

However, tomorrow is the real alchemy contest. Whether or not Xiaoshimei can get good results depends on tomorrow.

"Sister, do you know how this alchemy contest is conducted?" Baili Hongzhuang asked.

Tomorrow is the Alchemy Contest, but so far no one has told her exactly how the Alchemy Contest is conducted.

She was so unprepared and had a really complicated mood.

Ling Wei thought for a while and said, "In fact, I don't know very well, because my alchemy has never reached this level, and I have never come to watch it before.

The only thing I know is that one of the rounds of tests has produced the highest Dan medicine grade. "

After hearing this, Gu Ji could not help rolling his eyes, "Sister Ling Wei, aren't you talking nonsense?"

Since it is an alchemy contest, the comparison is naturally alchemy. Can it be anything else? "

Yu Chen and Yue Yue on the one side were also forbearable. Even if Ling Wei was not heard, they knew it.

Seeing that everyone was joking, Ling Wei couldn't help rushing, "You all listen to me!"

"I heard that every time the evaluation of this elixir is done by the masters on the spot, they will produce ten elixirs of different grades, and the pharmacist can choose according to his expertise."

Obediently, Yu Chen couldn't help but say, "If none of these Danfangs are good at themselves, then how is it good?"

"That would be bad luck for myself." Ling Wei spread her hand. "I have heard of such situations before, for example, it is actually Wupin Pharmacist, but because Wupin Dan Yao in this topic is not What he is good at is to make other elixir.

This is how Dandan ’s competition works. All the young people can appear here. Naturally, there are many good elixir.

In this kind of competition, in addition to looking at your own level, luck is also very important. "

"So it is."

Baili Hongzhuang's eyes showed a clear color. Compared to her previous ignorance, at least there was a general situation in her mind.

Although she doesn't have many types of refining alchemy now, her feel of refining alchemy has completely returned.

Even if she refined her own elixir on the spot, she still had a certain degree of confidence.

"As for anything else, I really don't know. Why wait for Master when he comes back?"

Ling Wei has a complex complexion. She wanted to come, but she never had a chance.

As for the people she knows, only Pu Wenli has come. Given her relationship with Pu Wenli, it is naturally impossible to ask these, so even if there is curiosity in her heart, she can only keep silent.

As soon as this remark came out, all the people present looked at each other, and their eyes appeared incredible colors.

"Ling Wei, how about you still have some concerns about this alchemy contest, but Master is too lazy to understand even on weekdays. Do you think Master can give us an answer on this question?"

Gu Zhi shook his head with a sigh, and even if he didn't ask, he could guess the result.

Ling Wei froze with a hint of embarrassment, "think carefully if it really is like this ..."

"So what do we do? Only know tomorrow?"

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