"Ling Wei, so long ago, you haven't asked Xiaoshimei how many pharmacists?"

Gu Zhi looked at Ling Wei helplessly. They were standing under this stage, and it felt really exciting!

The enquiring eyes turned to them as if they would understand what was going on.

However ... they don't even know!

Faced with such eyes, they just kept smiling, but in fact their hearts were blank ...

"I don't know." Ling Wei shook her head, and every time she thought she knew enough, who ever thought that Xiao Shimei would refresh his cognition the next time she practiced alchemy?

Thinking of this, she could not help looking at the Emperor Beibei. She didn't know it, but Beibei should know it!

"Beijing, how many pharmacists are Hongzhuang?"

Gu Ji and others all looked at Emperor Beibei with curiosity. If the young master is really a Liupin pharmacist, then they can be sure that the young master is now practicing Liupin.

Xu Xun, the man then opened his mouth.

"Ten grades."

Everyone: "???"

What did I hear?

Am I hearing it wrong?

Everyone looked at each other, feeling that they must have hallucinations. Beibei even said that Xiaoshimei was a ten-grade pharmacist? Isn't this kidding?

However, from the look of Beibei, they didn't see any jokes at all, and their hearts were only complicated.

This question is really more confusing than never asked.

Emperor Beibei looked indifferent, Hongzhuang was originally a ten-level pharmacist, and he was the first pharmacist in Divine Realm.

Many of the elixir nowadays were created by her at the time. Now she has restored her alchemy memory, but she is not yet familiar enough.

As long as she is familiar, none of these Danfangs is a problem for her.

Among all the people, Wang Yunxianjun knew this best. He was still impressed by the beauty of Hongzhuang in the past.

Today, she has started to recover gradually, and I think it will take a long time to fully recover ...

As time went on, everyone had a positive answer.

Except for refining Liupin but it takes so long, other elixir does not need it at all.

At this moment, only two people are still refining the whole high platform, one of which is Bailihongzhuang, and the other is Hanwei Xianjun's disciple, Bo Na.

"Han Weixian Jun, Bo Na has become Liupin Pharmacist?"

Fairy Qionghua looked at Han Weixian Jun in surprise, and Bo Nai was his big disciple. They have also been very familiar with them all these years.

I thought that some of their chief disciples are now Wupin Pharmacists. I did not expect that Han Weixian ’s big disciple would be the first to become a Liupin Pharmacist!

Hearing, Han Weixian Jun chuckled, "Bo Na became a Liupin Pharmacist a while ago, but now the skills are not too skilled, as long as he is given a little more time, he should be completely stable."

The crowd couldn't help looking at Bene on the stage. For the past two days, Bene has not performed much, and unexpectedly he has become a Liupin pharmacist.

Compared to Gao Xueyi, Wupin Pharmacist is the most popular among all the people, and they really work hard.

"Fairy Qionghua, your vision is really good. This Baili red makeup is very powerful, and it is also a sixth-grade pharmacist." Han Weixian Jun smiled and shook his head. "I thought that Baine might be able to win this time. This is not difficult ... "

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