As long as this stumbling block is here, has she not been unable to participate in the alchemy contest?

Su Yingran naturally thought about it, and her expression became very strange, which really exceeded their expectations ...

Qionghua fairy looked at Baili Hongzhuang aside, her gaze was encouraging.

This girl's performance today is good enough. Although this result is inevitably disappointed, it doesn't need to be taken into consideration at all. There are many opportunities in the future.

"I'm dumbfounded now?" Gao Xueyi chuckled, "Although this first place is not me, is it not you?"

Bailihongzhuang glanced at Gao Xueyi and said, "Not to mention whether it is me or not, is your ranking still behind me? Is this also worth proud of?

Moreover, the final result has not yet come out, how do you know that it was me who failed? "

As soon as this remark came out, Gao Xueyi could not help but stunned, a suspicion flashed in his eyes, and some did not understand what Bailihongzhuang meant.

Now this result has come out, as long as the refining is not ancient Podan, she will be undoubtedly lost.

At such a moment, she even said such things. Is there a hole card?

Did she also make the ancient Uddan?

This is impossible!

Gao Xueyi shook her head. Where could this Baili red makeup be so powerful? It would be weird if the ancients were made from urdan!

The eyes of Miao Rui and Meng Yao on the one side showed interest, and they did not think that Baili Hongzhuang was a person who would speak madly. In this case, it really makes people think about it ...

After inspecting Bernard's elixir, everyone focused on the last bottle of Liupin elixir.

Even if the result is already obvious, everyone is interested in Baili Hongzhuang's elixir.

However, when the fairy Ji Lan opened the white porcelain bottle and looked at the elixir inside, her eyes couldn't help but show a thick scum.

"This this……"

"What's wrong?" Fairy Qionghua looked at Fairy Ji Lan wonderingly, and how this wave after wave of her surprise today made them all puzzled.

"Bai Li Hong Zhuang's refining turned out to be the ancient one?"

Fairy Ji Lan looked at Baili Hongzhuang, and her eyes were filled with mistakes.

This girl was so difficult to refine the elixir before. They all thought that she had just become a sixth-grade refining pharmacist, and reluctantly refined Yuanshi Rongxuedan. Never thought that this girl's refining turned out to be ancient Erdan!

Upon hearing this, Qionghua Fairy and others were surprised.

"She made the ancient Poordan?"

Fairy Jilan nodded, took out the elixir and said, "Look."

After looking at the amount of natan medicine, Zhu Weidong also completely understood, and his eyes were surprised.

Han Weixianjun was also surprised by Bailihongzhuang's achievements. This girl really hides too deeply.

Bonne was hidden deep enough that I didn't expect there was another ...

Bai Lihong's lips evoked a smile, looking at Gao Xueyi aside, "How? Surprised?"

Gao Xueyi: "..."

At this moment Gao Xueyi didn't want to say anything anymore, she didn't understand how this woman reached such a state!

She was beaten once, twice, and she couldn't even lift her head in front of Baili Hongzhuang several times in succession!

"It's really unexpected, this Bailihong makeup is really surprising!"

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