"The more he is now, the more he loses his own face."

Baili Hongzhuang shrugged, and Gaoshan Xianjun is also a man of high moral standing. I did not expect that this time I drew a lot of my own image ...

Emperor Beibei was about to speak to her, and suddenly felt a very strong breath approaching, and his expression suddenly changed a bit.

Not only him, but even the look of Yunxianjun slightly changed. This breath is not only strong, but also a little familiar.

At the moment when the two sensed the breath, there was an exclamation from behind.

"Come down from the Temple of Mo!"

"His Royal Highness has not appeared for a long time. I didn't expect to come to the Dan Temple today. Will the goddess also be brought?"

"In the past, this kind of pharmacist conference has always been hosted by the goddess department. Now the goddess has returned, maybe all of this will be returned to them.

There was a look of anticipation on everyone's faces, and everyone was not dissatisfied with this.

After all, the alchemy of the goddess is well known, and everyone admires it from the heart.

As long as they are willing to take responsibility, not only will the alchemy contest be better, but the alchemists participating in the contest will have a better way out.

Because they can recruit excellent performers, this result is conceivable.

After hearing this voice, Baili Hongzhuang's eyes flashed a curiosity, and she quickly looked back.

Wangyun Xianjun and Emperor Beibei reached a consensus almost as soon as they knew that Li Mo was coming.

"Leave it to me." Wang Yunxian said.

Emperor Beibei nodded, and the hand holding Baili Hongzhuang in the next second left in the other direction.


Baili Hongzhuang chased the action of Emperor Beibei, and her heart was a little surprised. She didn't understand how Beibei suddenly took her away. She couldn't even see what the left palace looked like.

However, she also understood that Beibei would not do this for no reason, there must be something, and she immediately took her away.

She followed Beibei in great cooperation and left quickly. It wasn't until this departure that she understood why Beibei left.

I heard that His Highness Limo is the goddess's fiance, and it must be very strong.

No one can find out their identities in Yunlin God Realm, which does not mean that they can continue to hide after meeting masters like Limo.

In such an environment, once found, they can hardly fly!

Everyone's attention was attracted by Li Mo and the women around him, but no one noticed the actions of Baili Hongzhuang.

"Is that woman in white a goddess?"

Ling Wei's eyes widened and she looked at the two people who came slowly, her eyes full of excitement.

At first, everyone still said that they didn't know if they would have a chance to meet the goddess. I didn't expect that they would do it in a flash. This is too lucky!

In sight, a man in white came slowly, his face was like a crown jade, he looked better than Pan An, and lingered with his inherent noble breath.

He is different from the immortal wind bones of Wangyun Xianjun, away from the hustle and bustle, he has the majesty of the power-holder, showing a sense of supremacy.

Next to her was a girl in white. She was very beautiful, with a light and gentle smile on her face. The two walked together as if they were born together.

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