"If Lord Anomiya knows that you are ready to go back, she will be very happy."

Gong Jun's face showed a smile, even if he often felt helpless about the princess's temperament, but also had to say that deep inside, he still admired the princess.

It is such a woman who has carried all this for thousands of years, safeguarding the majesty of the master, and not letting anyone vilify him for half.

This is what everyone sees in their eyes.

That's why everyone loves her so much.

"Mo Yun returned to the demon world, what's the situation?" Asked Beibei.

Obediently, Gong Jun also understood what he meant, and quickly said: "We have also paid attention to this news.

Some time ago, because of a gap in the enchantment, our people had taken care of it for the first time, so that the people of the Four Princes would not have any opportunity. "

Since the last incident, they know that the four princes have been ruthless and intend to solve them completely here.

Because of this, in order to protect the master's safety, when they found a gap, they immediately sent someone to stare.

Just while they were guarding the gap, they saw Mo Yunyu.

"The second prince is going back, and our people are not good at blocking it."

There was a hint of complexity in Gong Jun's eyes. They and the four princes were hostile. Once they met the four princes, they would not hesitate to move.

However, the second prince is different.

Even in the previous life, the second prince always did not participate in these matters.

As for this life, the relationship is even stranger.

After all, Mo Yunzhang seems to have a good relationship with Xunzi and his master.

But now that they have such a layer of identity, they don't know whether the thoughts of the second prince will change.

This is also an enemy and a friend, and they cannot tell the situation at all.

"What did he do after he returned to the Demon Realm?" Di Bei married.

"He went back to the magic palace and met the princess.

His Highness Four also went to him after seeing His Highness return, and they talked to each other, but because the four princes were always nearby, we could not find out what was said.

After the conversation, the second prince spent several days in his own residence, and later returned to Mingyao College. "

Gong Jun's expression was a bit helpless, and he really hoped that they could hear clearly what the fourth and second princes said.

In this way, they can also judge clearly what the second prince really thinks.

Nowadays, although they believe in the second prince to a greater extent, they can't help worrying until they are completely uncertain.

Because once the second prince's camp is different from what they think, it will have a great impact on the entire camp.

This situation is obviously not what they want to see.

"Master, you may be sure what the second prince thinks?" Gong Junsi asked.

The second prince's character has always been extremely well understood, and almost everything has nothing to do with him.

In fact, except for the goddess who can be taken care of by him in the previous life, he never saw anyone else in his eyes.

No matter what happened in the demon world, he has always been unrelated and never minded.

In this life, his temperament was slightly relieved compared to the previous life. Who can think that he only cares about the sister-in-law.

This seems to be reincarnation. In fact, all these situations are almost unchanged, and continue as another identity!

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