Speaking of which, Baili Hongzhuang remembered the identity of being silent, which may be the fetters of previous lives.

Beibei had not returned to the demon world, and the fetters of this past life had first encountered them in Xianyu. Fortunately, no one had recognized everyone at the time.

"Think of it this way, His Highness Mo went to Hualienzhou, maybe in search of a goddess?"

Baili Hongzhuang thought about it, and suddenly connected the whole thing.

Perhaps when they were in the ruins later, Li Mo also went, and Liu Yunzi was also taken away at that time.

The white figure in her mind could not help but emerge, and the girl somehow took her to a place.

Even if it was just one side, she still had a familiar feeling.

Unfortunately, the other party was leaving too fast, and she couldn't catch that feeling.

"You met when you were in Xianyu?"

There was a complex light flashing in Mo Yunxuan's eyes. At this moment, something that didn't understand seemed to see a little clue.

Baili Hongzhuang nodded lightly, "Yeah, I met before."

Mo Yundi thought seriously, he can be sure of the identity of Hong Zhuang, then Liu Yunzi must be a fake heavenly girl.

He is also very clear about Li Mo's strength, not to mention Li Mo had liked the goddess for so many years, even if he did not like those guys in the divine world, he had to admit this strength.

He cannot easily be blinded by his eyes, so the opponent must have used some means to make Limo have such a misunderstanding.

Thinking of this, Mo Yunxi thought that this matter also became interesting.

If you can not recognize Li Mo, you can see that the other party's means are good, and presumably their status is not low.

However, such a character has actually used such a method to cover up Li Mo. Is it for himself or for red makeup?

Could it be an obstacle?

In order to prevent others from discovering the existence of red makeup, she pretended to be a goddess?

Or because of Hong Hongzhuang ’s identity, so she snatched her identity before she returned?

Obviously there is a certain gap between the two, but no matter what the other party's purpose is, this approach has the same effect.

"You already know Beibei's identity now?" Mo Yun shouted.

Baili Hongzhuang nodded. "He already told me."

"So what happened between him and the goddess ... do you know?" Mo Yunxun asked.

"I've heard of some." Baili Hongzhuang answered.

Mo Yunzhang has been looking at the look of Baili Red Makeup. After hearing this, his expression became more interesting.

It seems that Hongzhuang did not know the identity of her goddess, and Beibei did not tell her.

Is this going to never tell him?

If Hongzhuang can't restore her own memory, then as long as they don't tell, Hongzhuang will not know everything.

Thinking of this, Mo Yunzhang also understood the reason for Beizhao doing this.

As long as he doesn't say it, the whole thing will become much simpler, after all, there is already a "goddess" in the **** world, in other words, no one will come to red makeup again.

Beibei can completely hide the red makeup, so that the red makeup always stays with him.

In this way, there is no risk, and there is no need to worry about being known by others.

"This is undoubtedly the perfect plan."

"do not worry about it."

Noting the gloom between Bai Lihong's eyebrows and eyebrows, Mo Yunxi couldn't help coming out.

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