"You guys solve these two guys, I'll solve the people outside." Baili Hongzhuang said.

The moment the words fell, she went straight outside.

Rong Hong looked at a group of people and surrounded Baili Hongzhuang like that. He was anxious, but he heard Zong Qiandao: "Hongzhuang is an opportunity to give you personal revenge, don't delay."

Zong Qian's eyes had locked on the stunned Zhu An, even if he could hear the fog, but he had already vaguely understood what was going on.

These two guys are so despicable and shameless.

Rong Hong did not seem to worry about the safety of Baili Hongzhuang when he saw Zong Qian, and he also understood that his strength should be far stronger than what he knew.

There must be many things he didn't understand, but now these are not in his consideration, and there is only one thing left in his mind ...

Kill them to take revenge for your beloved!

Pan Gu stepped back step by step, his face was full of panic, but he took advantage of the effort just now, and Zong Qian had tied him up.

Not only that, Zong Qian felt that he was not out of breath, and stomped a few feet on him, turning that face into a pig's head!

Rong Hong picked up the knife and stabbed Pangu directly without saying a word!


Pan Gu screamed.

Rong Hong did not stop there, the dagger in his hand kept stabbing in, mixed with all the hatred that has accumulated in his heart over the years.

"You bastard, deserve to go to hell, it's time to die!"

Pan Gu's screams continued, and the blood kept overflowing, but Rong Hong seemed to be incapable of venting the anger in his heart.

Zong Qian looked at this scene, and his heart was not surprised. After all, if the other party hurts the person he cares about most, then such an end should be, it is normal.

However, Zhu An on the side was already scared by this scene.


This guy is completely crazy!

Pan Gu had originally begged for mercy. Later, he had even lost the energy to beg for mercy. Pan Gu's dagger penetrated directly into his heart and completely cut off his vitality!

The next second, Rong Hong's eyes turned to Zhu An.

Zhu An was suddenly agitated, took a few steps back subconsciously, and looked terrified and nervous.

"You ... don't come here." Zhu An's face turned white. "I tell you, I'm the son of the city owner. If you dare to kill me, you will never have a place to stay in this city of thorns, and you will die!"

Rong Hong could not help but turned around and looked at Zong Qian beside him, "I'm sorry for this."

Zong Qian slightly stunned and understood it in the next second, saying, "We don't need to stay in Thorns City at all."

Seeing that Rong Hong was coming towards himself, Zhu An was completely crazy. Here is the city's mansion. How could he really die in the hands of these people?

"Toasting without eating and drinking, I think you are looking for death!"

Zhu An noticed that the influence of the coercion that had shrouded in him had weakened for a few minutes, and then attacked Zong Qian. He had a feeling that the two were obviously stronger than Zong Qian.

So, the first thing he needs to solve is this guy!

"Be careful!" Rong Hong reminded.

However, at the moment Zhu An had just started, Zong Qian also started.

Although his strength is not as good as Hong Zhuang, he is also a real master of eight grades. This Zhuan is just seven grades.

It is obviously impossible to defeat him!

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