A strong sense of unrealism surrounded Rong Hong, and he couldn't believe the scene in front of him would be true.

This is too incredible!

"What the **** are you ..."

He looked at the two in doubt, he was sure that there was absolutely something wrong with them, they were not ordinary people!

Such strength can be easily settled in the city's mansion, and the strength can be imagined.

Previously, he always knew only that the two were materials that could be made. He dared to enter the battlefield to practice at a young age, and from the perspective of his harvest, his luck was also very good.

Just did not expect that the strength of these two people is much stronger than he thought!

When Pan Gu previously deceived the two, he was worried that they were being fooled, and that they were not Pan Gu's opponents.

Once they are spotted, even if they are not obedient and deceived, Pan Gu can find someone to deal with them.

Now it seems that Pan Gu wants to calculate that they are completely crazy!

Baili Hongzhuang looked at Rong Hong's eyes full of doubts, and said, "It's not the time to say this, let's go back first."

Obediently, Rong Hong also came back to God, even if he didn't know what their strength was or what their purpose was, the only thing that was certain was that they had no intention of harming themselves.

Otherwise, they will not save themselves deliberately.

"We don't know much about the route of this city's main mansion. If we go straight out, we will be easily hit, and we don't know if there are other paths?"

Zong Qian looked around, his brows froze, let alone the three of them. Rong Hong's flesh-blooded face, whoever saw it, knew that something had happened.

"No matter what else, you two put on the clothes of these guards first." Baili Hongzhuang said.

The two did not hesitate, and quickly took off their outer shirts and put them on their bodies.

"Rong Hong, have you been to the main city?" Baili Hongzhuang asked.

Among the three of them, Rong Hong is the only one who may know something.

However, Rong Hong shook his head, "I don't usually have a chance to enter the city's mansion, and I don't know much about it."

He never thought about coming to the city's main government to assassinate Zhu An. He always thought about how to ambush him outside, so he was indifferent to the city's main environment.

In this regard, Baili Hongzhuang two people are not surprised, anyway, is also the city's main mansion, naturally not ordinary people can easily understand.

"Then take a step and look at it." Baili Hongzhuang said, "We just go in this direction.

When I walked along the way, I noticed that this side is very remote. The closer you are, the fewer people there are, and the less likely it is to meet many people. "

As for the direction when she came, it was obviously the center of the city's main government, and there were many people along the way.

She would be alone, and the three would be found soon.

"it is good!"

The two people in Zongqian had no doubt about Bailihongzhuang's judgment and walked forward without hesitation.

Sure enough, as she said, no other practitioners were encountered along the way.

"Such a remote place in the city's main government?"

Zong Qian looked at the surroundings, and his eyes could not help but appear doubtful.

This situation is really strange, in his mind, the city's main government should be patrolled everywhere.

"It's so remote here, does it make me feel like I just go out as long as I continue to walk?"

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