With Shangguan Yingying's words falling, everyone's face suddenly changed.

A closer look, all the four people who came here all wore clothes of very different styles, so dark colors that made them subconsciously think of the demon domain practitioners.

"So these people are in the demon domain?" Wen Ziran said erratically.

"When did the people in the demon domain come to us so arrogantly? Shouldn't they try to avoid the eyeliner? If they appear so loudly, it means that they were discovered directly by us?"

"Couldn't it be that they came directly from the demon domain?"

Various ideas emerged in everyone's minds. After all, those who can appear in these nine domains must be masters.

If it is to talk directly to the strong in Xianyu, it is not impossible.

Bai Liyan Che looked at the figure in front of him, but his smile gradually appeared.


With the words of Baili Yanche falling, Wen Ziran and others couldn't help but look at the figure in front of them in amazement.

Yan Che called her sister?

"You mean that the person is red makeup?"

Shangguan Yingying immediately reacted. She had already felt the breath of these people when she came, but it was clearly not the breath she was familiar with.

Rong Hong and Bai Lihong Zhuang came to the realm of Xianyu. From the appearance of the two, they understood that they should come here a lot.

After seeing practitioners wearing completely different styles in front, the two couldn't help getting nervous.

From the moment they came here, their life and death were beyond their control. The only thing they could do was choose to believe in Baili Red Makeup.

Until they heard that the person in front called a sister, the two could not help but stunned and looked at Bailihongzhuang subconsciously.

Such a title can only be called to her.

Baili Hongzhuang raised her arms and beckoned, and her face was filled with a smile.

"I am back."

Upon hearing this affirmative answer, Wen Ziran and others were relieved, but could not help but be curious.

"Red makeup, how did your breath change?"

"Of course there is my way." Baili Hongzhuang blinked and joked.

Shangguan Yingying held her arm, and her expression was full of concern. "We always worry about when you will come back. Fortunately, you haven't been away for long."

It hasn't been more than half a month since entering the demon domain, and this speed is undoubtedly very fast.

"How about this harvest?" Wen Ziran asked.

"There is some progress. An antidote is coming, but the effect is not yet determined. It will be known after trying."

The crowd looked at Bai Lihongzhuang's unspoiled appearance and then they were relieved. Then they noticed Rong Hong and the others.

When Rong Hong saw this, they could only say hello with a smile. Recently, they followed Baili Hongzhuang to learn some fairyland languages, and they were able to understand some of them.

Just looking at the scene in front of me, Baili Hongzhuang is obviously very popular in Xianyu. These people seem to be his friends.

"What are these two?"

Wen Ziran looked suspiciously at the two in front of him. The ones who had gone to the demon world with Hong Zhuang before were all masters of Jiupin Realm, and the lowest strength was also Bapin Realm.

Obviously, the cultivation of these two people is beyond this. Who are they?

Baili Hongzhuang smiled slightly, "I will introduce you later."

Obedience, the color of doubt in the eyes of everyone is stronger, why is this mysterious?

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