Baili Hongzhuang took out the comprehension medicine and handed it to Jian Wansha, "Ran of Thorns City knows this toxin very well. I asked her the formula of the antidote from her mouth.

I have checked that this antidote is not poisonous and is not dangerous, but whether it can really detoxify depends on whether the poisoned predecessor has taken effect. "

Ren Qiyi admired authentically: "I know that this kind of thing will send you forward, there will be no problem.

It seems that I am right. "

This is a very difficult problem for others, and it is obviously no longer a problem in Hong Zhuang's hands.

"In addition, I prepared a surprise for everyone."

As soon as this word came out, everyone's eyes became curious.

The results she brought back this time have surprised everyone enough. Are there any other surprises at the moment?

Baili Hongzhuang left the room after speaking, she needed to bring a surprise.

As she left, everyone's eyes could not help falling on Zong Qiandi.

The two of them acted together this time, and presumably Zong knew nothing about the situation.

However, facing the eyes of everyone, Zong Qian shrugged helplessly and shook his head: "Don't look at me, I don't know what it is."

In fact, when he entered the city of Thorns, he had always been with Baili Hongzhuang, but since he was arrested and entered the city's main government, he didn't know some things.

Baili Hongzhuang was arrested at that time, but it was only a short time.

He didn't know if Ranra died or how she used that short time to get the antidote from Ranra's mouth.

Even after that, she had already refined the antidote by herself, and went to the medicinal shop to buy many needed medicinal materials.

In this respect, he is all confused.

The only thing I can say for sure is that I have seen the elixir, and I know that it is used for detoxification.

Everyone looked at Zong Qian incredulously, but the two acted together without knowing what happened. Zong Qian was really powerful ...

Soon, Bailihongzhuang had already returned.

When she returned, there was another person beside her.

Everyone looked at the person next to Baili Hongzhuang in doubt, and through her dress, they could see that this was also a person in the demon domain.

Baili Hongzhuang not only brought back two people this time, but also one person?

Zong Qian widened his eyes and looked like a ghost, "Who is this?"

However, Rong Hong's heart at this moment cannot be described by shock.


Hearing these familiar words, Zong Qian was completely dumbfounded, "Ran? She's not dead?"

Bailihongzhuang smiled slightly and explained to the three Jian Wansha on the side: "This person is a refining pharmacist in the demon domain, and this time she is one of the participants.

My antidote is coming out of her mouth. I thought maybe there would be some use for keeping her here, so I saved my life. "

At this moment, Ranla looked very embarrassed, and the whole person looked very weak.

Her hair was disheveled and her face pale, and after looking at the environment in front of her eyes, her eyes were more frightened.

This woman is really terrible!

So she just brought her directly to Xianyu silently!

This completely different style of environment is definitely not a demon domain. What these people are saying is also completely incomprehensible to her!

Except Xianyu, there is absolutely no second possibility, which means ... she can't go back.

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