Rong Hong did not know why Baili Hongzhuang was so eager to understand the language of the demon domain, but it was just a trivial matter for them.

Baili Hongzhuang wanted to know, and they all told her, not to mention that they also needed to understand the language that permeated the fairyland.

The next day, Baili Yanche and others all came to the dormitory of Rong Hong.

Everyone is very interested in the interoperability of this language, so taking this opportunity, everyone is trying their best to learn.

Some languages ​​between the two sides did not know the meaning at all, but the other body's meaning was quickly guessed through the corresponding body language.

Not only that, Baili Hongzhuang also learned a word by the way.

She saw the Dan Book of the Demon Domain from Ran's storage ring, and there were some records about the demon domain medicine.

It's just that these are all heavenly books for her, and she can't understand what is said above.

In a flash, half a month had passed.

Compared to the original knowledge of the demon domain language, Baili Hongzhuang now undoubtedly knows these things.

Not only that, but even a certain understanding of the medicinal materials and medicine of the demon domain.

Wen Ziran and others personally felt the talent of Baili Hongzhuang in terms of language. Obviously everyone learned together, but the progress of Baili Hongzhuang was undoubtedly faster than everyone.

She seems to have the ability to never forget, as long as the two of Rong Hong said, she can remember everything.

Therefore, when everyone is still unclear about some content, Baili Hongzhuang has been able to freely communicate with Rong Hong.

"I just said don't compare with genius, it just looks stupid."

Wen Ziran shook his head with emotion. Xiu Xiu couldn't keep up with red makeup in the usual days, and even learning a language couldn't keep up with red makeup, it was really a shame.

Shangying Yingying chuckled, "It's been so many years, shouldn't we know this situation any more? Why bother with it?"

Aside from Baili Yanche and Linger, they didn't say much, and they all assumed this.

"I'm going to visit Demon Domain again."

While everyone was joking with each other, Baili Hongzhuang suddenly expressed her thoughts.

As soon as this word came out, everyone was surprised and looked at her in surprise.

"Don't Dean Jian have said that the antidote can indeed detoxify? Why do you have to go to the demon field?"

"I have what I want to do." Baili Hongzhuang said.

This time, she only planned to go alone, and did not tell anyone else's plans.

Yao Yu and his party had some risks, but with her current strength, as long as she is not a group of masters of Jiupin Realm, there is basically no problem.

She just wanted to be closer to Beibei and learn more about it.

If you take everyone with you, the danger will undoubtedly increase.

Seeing that Bailihongzhuang didn't mean to make it clear, everyone had a complex color in their eyes.

"Beiyu and Yunji left suddenly and didn't say where they were going. You suddenly went to Yaoyu again, could you tell us?"

Wen Ziran's face showed unprecedented dignity. Such things were completely different from their previous trajectory, which made him feel that there must be something wrong.

"We don't deserve your trust?" Wen Ziran groaned.

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