After living for so many years, such a calm person like this girl, he really met him for the first time.

But now he has no other way. He has no other choice except to be with Baili Hongzhuang.

"How do you call a girl?" Shu Qi said.

"Lan Yixuan."

"It's a blue girl." Shu Qi smiled. "The name is really nice."

Until the meal was over, Baili Hongzhuang came to Qi Sanniang's presence.

Raised his hand and took out another half a million spirit stones.

Qi Sanniang looked at Lingshi and said, "Is this the son paying the house?"

"Want to inquire about San Niang." Baili Hongzhuang said, "This is the reward."

Qi Sanniang's eyes flowed, her gaze swept away from Lingshi, but she did not immediately tell her, but said, "What do you want to ask?"

"Fang Cai's Mengwu's background and his rival." Baili Hongzhuang said.

Obediently, Qi Sanniang chuckled softly, "Why do you think I would tell you?"

"With San Niang's background, I should not worry."

When she heard Qi Sanniang's previous answer, she understood that this woman was either not simple in strength or simple in background.

Otherwise, she would never say that under such circumstances.

Even if she is the first to bear this incident, San Niang's approach will inevitably be criticized.

She was not afraid, it was enough to see.

"You can see through. It seems I want to withdraw my previous views on you." Qi Sanniang's smile gradually deepened, "I believe you will soon gain a foothold in the main city of Zhouli."

Shu Qi watched the two women talk very frankly. It seemed that the three words and two words had already determined their own judgment, and that the other was not simple.

As for him, it was completely confused.

What time is it

How could they still praise each other here?

"Mengwu is a member of the League of Puppets. He has good strength and low status, but there are still many people on his head. They are considered elders.

As for his opponent, that is the person in the night palace, and the one who conflicts with him most often is Heng Gan ... "

I got the answer I wanted, and Baili Hongzhuang also showed satisfaction.

"Thank you Qi Sanniang."

"You're welcome, I'm not confiscation."

Seeing Baili Hongzhuang's eyes just asking a question, she gave half a million spirit stones, and she vowed to lose her heart.

In just a few words, you can change to so many spirit stones, which is too extravagant!

"Let's go upstairs."

Baili Hongzhuang shouted Shu Qi and went upstairs together, originally intended to open a room by herself, but I don't need to rest tonight, and there is no need to waste that money.

"Blue girl, what the **** did you do?"

Shu Qi's eyes are full of curiosity, things have developed to such a degree, they have to be like a countermeasure.

"You asked Qi Sanniang before, did you intend to find Mengwu's deadly opponent?

Maybe he could take us in for killing Mengwu? "

Baili Hongzhuang looked at the anxious Shu Qi, could not help but said: "Why do you always hope that others can accept us?"

"The tree is so cool!" Shu Qi took it for granted, "We have just arrived, and we have no background. The strong man here is like a cloud, and a character may be able to crush us.

If you don't find a backer, you simply can't stay here. "

"If you ask others to accept you, you are destined to follow them and listen to them."

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